Quicksilver Dreams (Dreamwalkers)

Free Quicksilver Dreams (Dreamwalkers) by Danube Adele

Book: Quicksilver Dreams (Dreamwalkers) by Danube Adele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danube Adele
Truthfully, I wasn’t even really listening to what he was saying, my heart was thundering so loudly.
    “If you knew what was going on in the minds of half the men around you, you wouldn’t be so quick to prance around with this beautiful body.” His large hand dropped to my waist where the shirt had ridden up, making contact skin to skin. I quivered. His hand was like a brand, heating my flesh. His thumb rubbed a small circle by my belly button, and goose bumps fanned out over my stomach. I was completely under his spell.
    “Dammit...” he muttered, and his forearm snaked around my waist, pulling me firmly against his steely body. His lips captured mine, and I swear I saw stars. Heat exploded. I whimpered, wanting more of his taste and feel, and I found my arms reaching around his neck of their own accord. Fire was building from the inside, and all I could do was run my hands through his thick, soft hair, grabbing it in handfuls so I could have him right where I wanted him.
    He growled in response, shoving against me, pushing me back against the counter with his hips, grinding into me.
    It was rough and wild. His strong lips slanted against mine, deepening the kiss. His teeth nipped my lower lip, and when I gasped with the pleasure and pain, his tongue swept my mouth, tasting me, rubbing velvet on velvet.
    I moaned as the fire spread through my breasts, my thighs, clear down to my toes. I couldn’t get enough. I went to taste him back, and when my tongue tangled with his, he sucked it in, a groan rumbling in his throat, which only excited me more. Moist heat rushed between my thighs in achy waves.
    His hands dragged over my back, my hips and my ass, pulling me against his erection, and naturally, my hips and tummy cradled it and rubbed against it, loving the feel of it. Then his hand went over the back of my thigh, pulling it up to his waist and...I felt the sharp sting from my glass puncture wounds.
    “Damn.” He pulled away, feeling my sudden cry of discomfort, though he kept his hands gripping my ass, which just felt right.
    “It’s all right.” I rested my head on his chest and could hear his heart pumping wildly. Then reality interceded. I didn’t even know this guy, and here I was throwing myself at him. No wonder he thought I was asking for it.
    “Stop it,” he murmured harshly.
    “What?” I asked warily.
    “Second-guessing everything.” He rested his forehead on mine. “We can’t do this now.”
    “You’re right. We can’t.”
    “You don’t have all the facts.”
    “No, I don’t know you.”
    “You don’t understand, but you will.” He took a deep breath and almost to himself repeated, “You will. Soon.”
    “Yeah, well—”
    “Take your shower. We can talk later.”
    I was beginning to feel embarrassed at my wanton behavior! OMG, right? I don’t know his name, where he’s from, what he does for a living, but here I am swapping DNA samples with him because my brain decided to go AWOL from my body, and my body was totally turned on by his scrumptious masculinity.
    Feeling self-conscious, I plastered a smile on my face and tried to think of something appropriate to say to get out of what was starting to be a weird situation, but then he tilted my head up by putting his fingers under my chin and gave me another hot, stirring kiss that left me senseless. Just as I was getting the feel for it again, he left. I forgot what my concerns were momentarily and stared after him, feeling bewildered by the events I’d experienced in so short a time.
    He left a void with his absence, and for a moment, all I could do was stare at myself in the mirror and try to see what Ryder was seeing when he looked at me. With my hair pulled back in a ponytail, my bone structure was more pronounced, and I had to say that I did look hot, even though my looks come from my mother. It was a thought that brought along its own brand of depression.
    I usually shelve thoughts of my mother immediately as a

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