The Mystery of the Hichcocke Inheritance
Investigator abruptly turned on his
heel and jogged towards the back door of Hichcocke Manor, leaving
Bob and Pete gaping at each other with bewildered expressions.
    When they finally found him in their
upstairs bedroom, Jupiter was hastily loading film into his
flash-bulb camera he had packed in his suitcase. “I’ll have to ask
Ben to drive me into London again today,” he announced.
    “You have a plan,” guessed Bob.
    “I do. But there’s no time to explain. Just
play along. Ben and I will leave after everyone has had breakfast.
Hopefully we will be back before nightfall.”
    Bob and Pete were quite used to Jupiter
Jones being secretive when he had an idea or course of action in
mind. It was just the way he operated. Jupe didn’t take kindly to
being wrong about anything, so he often clammed up until he was
sure he was right. It was a trait that could be maddening to anyone
who didn’t know him well.
    “And what should Bob and I do all day?”
asked Pete. “I’ll tell you one thing – I’m not going anywhere near
the cellar. As far as I’m concerned it’s London’s hotspot for
Monsters Incorporated!”
    “Stay close to Mrs. O’Connell,” Jupiter
instructed. “I believe she’ll be safe, but it’s better not to take
any chances. And keep an eye on Cousin Jebediah, the Fitchhorns,
and the Abernathy’s. As of now, they’re all suspects!”
    Jupiter snapped the back of his camera
closed and advanced the roll of film as he trotted down the stairs.
The sunny kitchen was bustling with activity. Patricia, in a robe
and slippers, was pouring coffee for her Cousin Jebediah, while
Julia scooped heaping portions of eggs onto the Fitchhorns' plates.
Winston entered the room with the morning paper under his arm. He
unfolded it on the table in front of Timothy Fitchhorn and then
turned to the boys.
    “Good morning, sirs,” he said, flashing a
broad smile. “I couldn’t help but overhear the activity outside my
front door earlier – I trust everything is okay?”
    It didn’t take long for Bob and Pete to see
the First Investigator had some kind of scheme devised. Jupiter had
been an actor on a television program when he was just a toddler
called “The Wee Rogues,” in which he played a character with the
unfortunate name of “Baby Fatso.” He was a natural actor then, and
he could still be a very good actor now – when he wanted to. As he
entered the kitchen, he allowed his shoulders to sag and his face
to droop – effectively giving the impression that he was an utter
and complete imbecile.
    Jupiter gave the butler a look of absolute
incompetence. “Gee, we’re sorry if we woke you up,” he yawned,
sitting down at the breakfast table. “We thought we heard the ghost
again, but it turned out to be Pete walking in his sleep.”
    “Huh?” said Pete. But before he could say
any more, the lanky Second Investigator felt his ankle receive a
sharp kick from Jupiter under the table. “Oh...Oh, yeah, I do that
sometimes,” he said lamely.
    “Aye,” said Jebediah, brushing crumbs from
his wiry mustache, “don’t be so sure, laddies. Old Molly is a
clever spirit.” He pointed his cane at Jupiter. “You won’t want to
be a-sneakin’ around the house after dark – I’m warning ye
    “Well I don’t know about Pete,” offered
Patricia, “but I slept like a bear for the first time in days!”
    “Well, Ben,” Jupiter said sadly, “it hardly
matters now. I guess we came all the way over here for nothing. We
can’t crack the last code from the jukebox. I guess we’ll just have
to do some sightseeing and take some pictures. It’s too bad Bob is
feeling ill and won’t be able to join us.”
    This time Bob received a kick under the
table. He cleared his throat and tried to look sickly. “Uh, yeah. I
must have caught a chill,” he coughed. “I guess I’ll have to stay
    Patricia looked concerned. “You’d better
rest up, Bob. Tomorrow is your last full day here, and you

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