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Book: Aftershock by Laurie Roma Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie Roma
no time to recover as Tag
continued to suck and lick at her pussy, drinking her come down like a man
    “Tag, I need…I need you. Come
inside me.”
    “With pleasure sweetheart.” 
    He crawled up her body, shifting
to align his cock at her tight entrance and drove deep.  Caitlyn screamed his
name as Tag impaled her over and over again with his big cock. He swallowed her
cries as he took her mouth and continued to pound himself into her. Her legs
locked around his hips, holding him to her. He kept his eyes on hers as he
hammered into her pussy with fast, brutal strokes and watched as she came
    God, he loved to watch her face
when she came. Her vision blurred, eyes going opaque, her body shuddering in
release as she cried out his name. Only then did he let his release come.  He
felt as though the top of his head had blown off as he let out a hoarse shout
and filled her with his seed.
    Caitlyn’s lungs worked to drawl
in air.  Her heart pounded in her chest like a freight train and there was a
slight buzzing in her ears. She stared at the ceiling and ran her hands through
Tag’s hair since his face was buried into the side of her neck. She was
startled as Tag’s head snapped up, his eyes feral. 
    “Again,” he growled.
    “What? Oh…!”
    Caitlyn’s eyes went wide as Tag
started to move within her again. His teeth nipped and bit at the side of her
neck. Taking his time, Tag pulled back so his only the tip of his cock was
still inside her, then thrust back so deep he hit her cervix.
    “I’m still hard for you, sweetheart.
I can’t get enough.” He shafted her slowly as he spoke. “You feel good, so damn
good, baby. I need more.”
    “Take what you need, Tag.”
    His thumb stroked over one of her
nipples before his mouth settled over it.  He sucked at it then moved to the
other breast to continue to lick and suck. He stroked the flames of passion as
he continued to plunge deep.
    Caitlyn loved the feel of him
inside her. His hard body pressed against hers. Pleasure shot through her with
each thrust and her hips rose to meet his. Tag’s large hands continued to roam
over her body making her tingle all over. She had never been with a man who
talked so much during sex, but she loved it.  It was such a turn on.
    Now, she was going to see how he
liked it.
    “I love it when you talk dirty to
me, Tag.  Just the sound of your voice makes me so hot. I love what you do to
me, how you make me feel. You feel so good deep inside me, your big cock
filling me so full. I want you to come inside me again, fill me with your cum.”
    He pushed his cock up through her
tight muscles and stopped when he was all the way inside her. Sweat rolled down
his face and his eyes were closed. He looked like he was in agony.  Ragged breath
tore from his body and his voice was harsh, strained when he finally spoke. “Baby,
you have to stop. I can’t control myself when you say shit like that. I wanted
to go slow, to make love to you slow, but you’re pushing me.”
    “I want to push you. Fuck me, Tag.
Fuck me hard and fast. Show me how much you want me.”
    With a strangled growl, Tag
pulled back and in one move had her flipped onto her stomach.  His hands bruised
her flesh as he raised her hips, placing his big muscular body behind her. He
shoved the entire length of his flesh inside her, hips pistoning as he covered
her like an animal.
    He couldn’t stop, control
shattered beyond repair.
    Her body jerked under him as he
thrust with the full force of his body. She gripped the sheets, trying to
steady herself for his violent thrusts.
    Fire flashed, consuming her.
    “I’m coming, Tag! Come with me. Please,
come with me,” she chanted. The muscles of her pussy clamped down on him as
another powerful orgasm ripped through her with such force she could barely breathe.
He let out a hoarse shout as he jerked against her, pumping her full of his hot
    She fell forward, sprawled out on
the bed with Tag over her. They

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