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Book: Aftershock by Laurie Roma Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie Roma
lay there, in a tangle of legs and arms, bodies
covered with sweat. Long minutes passed as they struggled to catch their breath.
When Caitlyn found her voice she murmured, ”Wow…wow.”
    Tag’s breath whooshed out.
    “I have to say that was some
promise we made just now.”
    “Any better and I think you would
have killed me.” Tag snorted.
    Caitlyn turned to snuggle into
him and he pulled her close. A feeling of contentment came over her as she
looked down at the promise ring he had placed on her finger. “This feels so
right, being with you.”
    Tag placed his hand over hers,
entwining their fingers together. “We have something good here, baby. Just give
us a chance and you’ll see how good we can be together.”
    Caitlyn lifted her head, placing
her chin on his chest looking him straight in the eye.  “If you’re willing to
try, then so am I. Just make sure you remember to make your promise to me every
night, in every position.”
    With that, he laughed.
    That was definitely a promise he
would keep.

    One Year Later
    The cold rain pounded down on Caitlyn
as she rushed from the car to the building in front of her carrying a sealed
plastic bag with her. She shook off her umbrella and waved hello to the
security guards at the front desk as she made her way over to the elevators. 
    Getting off when the doors opened,
Caitlyn rushed the length of the seventh floor and came to the large office at
the end of the hall. Standing in front of Tag’s admin, Caitlyn smiled down at
the older woman who guarded his door.
    “Good afternoon, Mrs. Steele. And
a happy birthday to you as well!” 
    “Thank you! Mary, how many times
have I told you to call me Caitlyn?”
    “Old habits.”
    Mary smiled up at her boss’ young
wife. Besides being Tag’s wife, Caitlyn was an invaluable employee of Steele
Technologies. Caitlyn had proved herself in the marketing department, working
her way up. She had gained Mary’s love and trust when she saw how happy Caitlyn
made Tag.
    Happy and more complete.
    It was evident to everyone who
saw Caitlyn and Tag together how deeply in love they were. Mary knew very
little about Caitlyn’s childhood, but what she did know made her glad that Tag
was there for her now.
    Mary had worked for Tag for years
and it pleased her that he had found his match. She reached down and pulled out
flowers and a card, handing them to Caitlyn. Mary’s felt her own eyes tear up
as she watched Caitlyn’s eyes fill. It touched her heart that this bright young
woman could be so shocked with pleasure at such a simple gift.
    Caitlyn leaned down to brush a
kiss against Mary’s aged cheek, whispering her thanks.
     “I thought you could use some flowers
for your birthday. This thunder and lightning is driving me crazy.”
    “I don’t care about the weather,
it’s a beautiful day,” Caitlyn said with a bright smile. “Is he in?”
    For you, always, Mary thought
with a smile. “Yes, he is. Go right on in.”
    Caitlyn opened the door and
walked into the office and closed the door behind her.  Sitting at his desk,
king of his kingdom, was Tag. He was on the phone and looked up when he heard
the door close. His face, taut with irritation quickly changed to pleasure when
he saw her.  His warm smile that she knew was only for her spread across his
face as he forgot about whoever he was on the phone with. 
    He hung up with an absent, “I’ll
have to get back to you.”
    She hung up her coat and umbrella
then placed her flowers on the table, but kept hold of the bag in her hand. He crossed
the room quickly and pulled her against him for a deep, soul-searing kiss.
    “Mmm, hello wife.”
    “Hello, husband.”
    Tag smiled at her as he pushed
the hair back from her face. “I came up earlier to see if you wanted to have
lunch, but they told me you were gone already. Did Jesse drag you out for a
birthday lunch?”
    Shortly after Caitlyn had started
working for Steele

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