
Free Aftershock by Laurie Roma

Book: Aftershock by Laurie Roma Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie Roma
    The aquamarine sparkled in the
candlelight as Caitlyn placed her hand around Tag’s neck to draw him to her
again as tears streamed down her face. “If you keep making me cry, you’re going
to start pissing me off.”
    He chuckled. Breath released on a
sigh as their lips brushed softly. His lips trailed down to touch the side of
her neck, fluttering like a butterfly’s wings. Her stomach tightened as his
hands slid up to part the front of the robe so he could cup both of her breasts.
She purred with pleasure as his fingers gently tugged at her nipples. Caitlyn
put her hands over his to stop him.
    “Come with me.” Caitlyn spoke
softly as she took his large hand in hers. He followed without a sound as she
pulled him back into his bedroom.

    Chapter Ten
    Caitlyn’s tongue
slipped out to wet her bottom lip as she turned to him. Tag felt his body
clench with need at the provocative sight. He moved closer so his hands rested
gently on her hips, lowering his head so his mouth met hers.
    They both moaned at
the touch. 
    Caitlyn reached down
to cup his erection in her hand and slid her tongue deep into his mouth when he
gasped. She pulled back, just enough to open the robe and let it slide down to
the floor and watched his eyes cloud with desire. Reaching out, she pulled his
shirt off, but when he reached for her again she shook her head. 
    Confused Tag asked, “What’s wrong, baby?”
    “Nothing,” she said with a smile
    “Why won’t you let me touch you?
What are you doing?”
    His eyes flared with heat as he
watched her. She had pulled his pants and boxers down as she dropped to her
knees in front of him. He kicked off the clothing and stood before her naked,
dark stubble shadowing his face making him look just a little dangerous. His beautifully
sculpted body glowed in the soft light. “Just relax, Tag. I’m giving you my
promise. Just relax and let me do my thing.”
    A smile twitched at his lips. “Have
at it, baby.”
    He felt his eyes roll back into
his head as her tongue flicked out to lick at the semen weeping at the tip of
his cock. “Fuck!” he growled as she took hold of his hot hard length with her
hand.  Slowly, Caitlyn took the head of his cock into her mouth and swirled her
tongue over it, watching him as she did.
    Tag shuddered and swore again, the
pleasure so intense he could barely breathe. She pulled back and blew cool air
over the bulbous head before sucking it back into her mouth.
    “Fuck baby, that’s so good. God,
your mouth feels so good on me. Suck me. Suck my cock, baby.”
    She moaned and he could feel the
sound humming over his cock as she sucked the length of him down. Working her
mouth over his cock, she kept her hand in place to stroke over the rest of his
shaft she couldn’t take.  She pushed more of him into her mouth and he felt the
tip of his cock hit the back of her throat. Tag’s hips jerked. Barely able to
control himself, he reached down to pull her mouth off him.
    “Fuck it baby, I’m too close and
I want to be inside you when I come.”
    Tag’s entire body trembled with
need. He picked her up and literally threw her down on the large bed. Her body
was that of a goddess, ripe and lush. It made him want to get on his knees and
    “I need to taste you. To get you
ready for me.”
    Tag pushed her thighs apart. He
settled between them, pushing them wider, spreading her so his body could fit.
He shoved two fingers deep inside her, thrusting them in and was rewarded when Caitlyn
moaned with pleasure.
    “Look at this pretty pussy. Got
to get you ready for me, baby, because when I get my cock in you it’s gonna be
fast. You like that don’t you? Like me finger fucking your tight little hole?”
Before she could answer his tongue swiped across her clit and had her bucking
under him. His mouth closed over the small nub. He sucked as his fingers
continued to tunnel into her.
     Caitlyn screamed as she
shattered into a million pieces.  Her body had

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