The Other Side of Love (Forever Love)

Free The Other Side of Love (Forever Love) by J. S. Cooper

Book: The Other Side of Love (Forever Love) by J. S. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. S. Cooper
rude.” I sighed. “It’s been a long week.”
    “It’s okay.” She smiled at me tightly. “I don’t know why I expected you to be friendly to me. Like you said, you don’t know me, and the one time we did meet I wasn’t exactly nice.”
    “Yeah, you weren’t.” I made a face and laughed.
    “Sorry about that.”
    “It’s okay.” I reached my hand out to her. “Let’s start over. I’m Noah , Noah Beaumont.”
    “Robin.” She smiled and shook my hand firmly. “Robin Cartwright.”
    “Not shrew?”
    “Nothing but a bad joke.” I groaned to myself. “It’s nice to meet you again, Robin.”
    “You too, Noah.” She beamed at me, and her brown eyes sparkled. I stared in amazement as they seemed to change colors right before me. Sharing a smile with Robin awakened something in me, and I tried to ignore the stirrings of interest that pervaded my body.
    “Are you okay to run , or do you need help to your car or anything?”
    “I’m okay.” She laughed. “I’m a bit of a klutz. I’ll be fine.”
    “You need to take better care of yourself.”
    “Yes , Dad.” She rolled her eyes and I laughed. I had heard Lucky say something similar to Zane earlier that morning when he had told her to be careful as she was vacuuming the stairs. I guess the paternal instinct was alive and well in both Zane and me.
    “I’m not trying to say that you won’t take better care of yourself.” I tripped over my words as she stood there standing there with her hands on her hips and an amused look in her eyes.
    “I’m glad to hear that.” She grinned at me and started laughing. “Who knew that a guy as handsome as you could be so awkward?”
    “You think I’m handsome?” I smiled at her with a happy smile. A swell of pleasure filled me as I stared at her.
    “I also said you’re awkward.”
    “Awkward’s cute.” I gave her a lop-sided smile and stuck my tongue out. “I don’t take offense to awkward. But I do take pleasure in handsome. Handsome is even better than cute. You can’t buy handsome. Not even in Beverly Hills.”
    “You’re a dork.” She shook her head, laughing at me.
    “An awkward, handsome dork.” I held my hands up in the air. “I sound like a winner.”
    “You’re incorrigible.”
    “But I’m still handsome.” I grinned at her, all worries gone from my mind. I was enjoying our banter more than I had enjoyed anything in a long while.
    Robin rolled her eyes and leaned over and brushed my chest softly. My breath caught at her touch and I stared at her wondering if she had felt the same spark of electricity.
    “You had some fluff on your t-shirt.” She offered an explanation for her touch and stood back with a slightly bewildered look in her eyes.
    “Thanks for brushing it off.” Touch me again . I wanted to beg her to press her hands against me again. Her touch had ignited something in me. Her fingers had made me feel something deep inside where it was dark and cold. Her touch had created warmth.
    “I don’t normally do this, but would you like to go for a drink tonight?” She laughed girlishly and lowered her eyes.
    “A drink?” I took a step back.
    “Yeah, you know. You get a whiskey or a gin and tonic and I get a white Russian or a sex on the beach.” She grinned at me effortlessly.
    “Sorry.” I shook my head. “I’ve got plans.”
    “Figures.” She smiled ruefully. “All the good guys are gone.”
    “I’m not dating anyone.” My voice sounded harsh and she looked up at me with a curious expression. “Sorry, recent break-up.” I softened my tone.
    “That’s okay. I’ve been there.” She shuddered. “And I’ve been a lot meaner to you, so no need to apologize.”
    “Well, I should probably get going.” My heart was beating rapidly and my body was starting to feel warm with confusion. “I need to finish my run before I turn into a slob.”
    “Yeah, you don’t want to turn into a slob.” Her eyes looked me up and down, and she didn’t

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