Abbeyford Inheritance

Free Abbeyford Inheritance by Margaret Dickinson

Book: Abbeyford Inheritance by Margaret Dickinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Dickinson
    â€œThe way he looks at you,” Emily was saying. “He used to look at me like that – but not any more. I know what he’s waiting for. For Lord Royston to accept you and then – then Wallis will marry you.”
    Adelina gasped. Emily had half guessed Adelina’s hope, but she had added far more to it than had ever entered Adelina’s mind. Emily turned and ran from the room. Adelina sank back into the chair, feeling as if Emily had struck her. She closed her eyes and moaned softly. She hated being the cause of Emily’s distress, but she could not give up – not yet!
    The days seemed to pass so slowly, but finally Christmas came. On Christmas Eve the wassailers trudged through the village, singing their carols and stamping their feet to keep warm. At the Vicarage, even Martha Langley seemed touched by the spirit of Christmas sufficiently to unbend enough to make the revellers welcome.
    Leaving the Vicarage the villagers disappeared up the lane their lusty carols echoing through the frosty night.
    â€œWhere are they going now?” Adelina asked Emily.
    â€œTo the big barn behind the Manor. The Trents always entertain the villagers at Christmas. The merrymaking goes on for days. Tonight they’ll be drinking spiced ale from the wassail cup and …”
    Adelina gripped Emily’s arm, her eyes shining. “ Couldn’t we go too, Emily?” She was eager for a little fun and laughter. The days spent at the Vicarage were depressingly dull.
    â€œOh, no, Adelina – not tonight. They get a little – well – merry, you know. But Wallis has promised to fetch us the day after Christmas Day. The villagers will be putting on their usual mummers’ play then, and there will be plenty to eat and drink, beef and plum pudding. And dancing. No doubt you’re hoping Wallis will dance with you,” Emily added bitterly. “I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.”
    â€œEmily, please …”
    But she would not listen.
    The Christmas services at church seemed to bring the whole village community together – with the notable exception of Guy Trent and his love-child, Evan Smithson.
    Adelina was surprised to see in the church the village girl whom she had seen with Evan in the abbey ruins, kneeling to pray and bowing her head with every semblance of piety.
    Her name, Adelina had learned, was Lucy Walters.
    A few pews behind the Langleys, on the opposite side of the aisle, sat Sarah Smithson and with her a man whom Adelina had not seen before. Most of the villagers were known to her now, but not this man.
    Adelina nudged Emily. “Who is the man in the check coat and cap, with Mrs. Smithson?” she whispered. Emily took a hurried, furtive glance over her left shoulder.
    â€œHenry Smithson – her husband,” she murmured.
    Adelina turned to stare at him. So this was the man who had been obliged by his family to marry Sarah to hide her shame and give Guy Trent’s son his name. There was bitterness written upon Henry Smithson’s face and a wild anger in his eyes as his glance rested upon Lady Louisa Trent and her son Wallis, sitting in the Trent family pew.
    There was a stir as the church door flew open, letting in a cold blast of wintry air. Adelina’s heart skipped a beat as Lord Lynwood strode purposefully down the aisle. He stopped beside their pew and bowed to Mrs Langley and the two girls.
    â€œYour servant, Miss Adelina,” he murmured, and almost reluctantly went to his own pew.
    The service ended and Adelina found Lord Lynwood by her side. “I shall not be thwarted this time, Adelina.” Without giving her chance to refuse, he took hold of her hand and placed it, possessively, through his arm and led her down the aisle. Adelina was aware of the gasps which ran like waves amongst the congregation.
    Outside the church, Wallis, frowning heavily, faced them. “My lord, I shall escort Miss Adelina

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