Agent E2: Aidan (Superhero Romance) (The D.I.R.E. Agency)

Free Agent E2: Aidan (Superhero Romance) (The D.I.R.E. Agency) by Joni Hahn

Book: Agent E2: Aidan (Superhero Romance) (The D.I.R.E. Agency) by Joni Hahn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joni Hahn
she wore cables around her wrists and a tracking anklet? They were on opposite sides of his feud with Mitchell and the D.I.R.E. Agency. How could they support each other when they wanted different things?
    His eyes drooped.
    Rachel said, “I’d like that, Robert, but we all know things would have to change.”
    Cassandra stared at Rachel. “Yes, they certainly would, starting with these.” She held up her hands.
    Robert’s eyes widened. “They have you in shackles?”
    Rachel stood hands on hips. “You had me in those same cables a few days ago.”
    He rolled his head on the pillow to face her. “Rachel, you were only a means to an end. I wanted Mitchell’s son.”
    “Mitchell’s son is my fiancé.”
    Her father’s face grew flush. “No. I forbid it.”
    Rachel gave a sarcastic laugh. “Forbid it? You have no say in it. I love Tristan more than life itself. I’ll never give him up.”
    Cassandra’s mouth dropped open. She never would’ve spoken to her father in that manner. Life had taught her things were more… pleasant when her father got his way.
    His fist clenched where it lay on the white blanket. “You don’t know Mitchell. He’s a backstabbing, self-absorbed tyrant, and Tristan is a product of his father. So is your brother.”
    Cassandra didn’t know if it was Rachel’s mettle or her father’s biased opinion of Aidan, but either way, she exploded.
    “For your information, Aidan Monroe saved your life.”
    Rachel gasped. “What?”
    Robert’s gaze shot to her. “The hell you say...”
    “It’s true. Ask Kate. You died last night. We couldn’t revive you. Aidan came in and...” She glanced at Rachel. “…brought you back.”
    Her father’s nostrils flared wider with each word out of her mouth.
    “You wouldn’t be talking to us now if it wasn’t for Aidan. So, despite the vendetta you have with Jim Monroe – who is dead , by the way - and Mitchell Jacobs, your precious, new daughter is going to marry Tristan.”
    “Cassandra…” Rachel’s voice held a note of warning.
    Cass shut her eyes, dejection weighing on her like lead. Had she lost all common decency? Her father had just woken up from a serious, life-threatening gunshot wound. Was she so self-centered that she couldn’t allow him the peace he needed? Could she not give him the answers he wanted like a good daughter?
    Lowering her voice, Cassandra stepped back from the bed. “Maybe it’s time you reconsidered whatever feud you have going on with them. I know I’m tired of it and you’ve been living with it for twice as long.”
    He shook his head on the pillow. “Never.”
    Even under serious pain medication, the man remained stubborn.
    “Never?” Cass held up her hands. “Look at us. You’re lying in ICU, I’m wearing a tracking anklet and cables, and Dar is cuffed to a hospital bed. We missed the gun deal last night, and Naylor Interests is running on backup crew. D.I.R.E. has given their agents these, these…” she looked to Rachel for help.
    “… powers to do things no normal human being can do. Their technology is far beyond anything we have.” She shook her head. “I love you father, but I think it’s time to throw in the towel.”
    His eyes looked like they would burst from their sockets, his eyebrows high in his forehead. “We have one setback and you want me to just throw away all I’ve built over the years?”
    Rachel laid her hand on his shoulder.
    Cass berated herself mentally. She should be doing that. Instead, harsh words continued to spew from her mouth.
    “Oh yes, because selling guns, laundering money and selling trade secrets are honorable professions to carry on.” 
    Squinting his eyes, Robert glared at her. “What has gotten into you? I’ve always been able to depend on you.” He looked over at Rachel. “You’ve been around this one and Mitchell. See what happens?”
    Snatching away her hand, Rachel said, “Which obviously, has already done her some

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