
Free Brawler by K.S. Adkins

Book: Brawler by K.S. Adkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Adkins


    I’ ve known Rogan for years. We went through academy together and bonded instantly. Well, I sort of attached myself to him, but eventually he gave in. Growing up I was pretty withdrawn and didn’t have a lot of friends due to my fucked-up home life and my temper. Meeting him changed all that. He filled the gap I didn’t realize I had. I didn’t need dozens of friends; he was enough. He tolerated me most of the time, and even then I knew he cared about me. He just didn’t show it like most people. Until Venessa, he wasn’t big on people at all. Now though he’s almost a new man if you know what to look for.
    Getting advice from him and actually seeing the reason in it wasn’t something I ever thought I’d see happen, but it did. He also made a lot of valid points. He admitted watching Venessa put herself in constant danger drove him to the brink of insanity, but that was who she was so he accepted it. He also admitted it that there was a brief moment where he tried to change her, and that he almost lost her because of it.
    I asked him how the fuck he was able to stand in that basement and watch his woman get beaten, and then proceed to watch her take another man’s life. He said because she knows when enough’s enough. He saw she intended to kill and it was her right, so he stood at the ready should she need help.
    She didn’t.
    He asked me to think about why Macy wasn’t freaking out; in fact, he asked what she was waiting for. He also reminded me that I wasn’t holding her steady; I was actually holding her back. I said she didn’t freak out because I was there to protect her and she was waiting for you to step in. He told me no, that it’s because she was prepared to finish Gary off if Venessa couldn’t. That she didn’t panic because she’s a fighter like Venessa. I asked him if Venessa needed help, would he have let Macy step in? Without hesitation he said, “Absolutely.”
    “You trust her that much?” I asked him. He said yes and that I do too, that I just can’t put my feelings for her aside yet. He assures me that time will come, but deep down, I know I ain’t nowhere near ready for it.
    “I fucked up,” I admit to him.
    “Again,” I agree.
    “Let’s go get our women.”
    Taking my own truck, I make it to Rogan’s quickly. Outside of Macy, we all lived just streets away from Venessa and didn’t even know it. Macy lives the furthest so she could be the closest to the hospital. As far as I’m concerned, that house of hers is a thing of the past. Our arguments are a thing of the past. My acting like a possessive asshole is a thing of the past too, I hope. But I’m not convinced I’m capable of that yet.
    She may have only left about two hours ago but dammit if I don’t already miss her. I’m taking Rogan’s advice and I’m going to do everything I can to let Macy be Macy. He’s right in that I need to support her and only lend her my strength when she needs it. I also owe her a big-ass apology for the “How many have you been with?” comment. It wasn’t fair, and it doesn’t matter. I may not be her first, but I will be her last, and that’s what I need to focus on. That is, if she’ll give me a second chance.
    Pulling into his driveway, we walk up to the front door together and when I hear this obnoxious beat coming from inside. I turn to look at him and he just shrugs. Opening the door both of our mouths are no doubt hanging open because there in Rogan’s living room are Macy and Venessa screaming, smiling, doing kung fu and
    … twirling?
    What the fuck are they listening to? These females are hard core; they are not whatever this shit is playing. The beat hurts my head a bit, but the lyrics do catch my attention. Macy takes Venessa to the ground and they laugh. Macy in turn gently helps Venessa up and they hug. If I was a pussy I may even choke up a bit. I’ve never seen these two be affectionate before, and clearly they are both affected

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