Freedom Saga 3: The Dawn of Liberty

Free Freedom Saga 3: The Dawn of Liberty by Marcus Johnson

Book: Freedom Saga 3: The Dawn of Liberty by Marcus Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Johnson
the enemy
positions. Although their method was working, the number of enemy casualties
was not high. The Minerva and Siren fired at any enemy craft revealed while the
Aegis kept its shield going.
I charge in with a song?” Mira asked.
yet,” Valis said. “They appear to be moving apart.”
the other side of the base the four ships fired in the direction of the enemy
but found their targeting systems were still off. As the Ick-Tckt forces
regrouped their attack intensified and forced the Maidens back towards the
base. After a few minutes Tctie’s mobile suit flew past them. From the accuracy
of his shots it was obvious he had no trouble finding the enemy. Valis watched
him carefully before he moved back towards them.
what are you doing here?” Seles asked.
told me to help you,” Tctie answered. “If you can’t see them then you’ll have
to use my eyes.”
drone’s eyes began glowing as he reached out with his mind and connected with
the Maidens. Without intruding too deeply he sent them the images of the enemy
crafts he saw. Valis quickly programmed the data into the Minerva and sent the
plan to the others.
is this?” Kivi asked.
can see them so clearly,” Celi said.
this is your power,” Seles said.
what a power it is,” Valis said.
are all of you talking about?” Mira asked.
narrowed his channel to a private one.
sorry Mira,” Tctie said. “My power is unable to touch a mind like yours. Myden
told me he has the same issue.”
see,” Mira said. “Did he tell you anything else?”
Tctie said. “But Valis should be able to show you the way.”
plan popped up on their screens.
you’ll charge formation one and fire an arrow,” Valis said. “Mira and Kivi will
attack formation two with the song system going. Tctie, Celi, and I will strike
the third formation. Once we’ve cleared the area we’ll return to our allies and
help mop up the battle on the other side.”
Valis,” the others said.
Artemis charged its cannon for an arrow shot. As it made its way into the enemy
formation Seles fired. The massive beam of energy destroyed a dozen ships and
over a hundred mobile armors. After Seles made a pass through the area she
turned and fired a second arrow, destroying the rest of the enemy formation.
Mira then turned on her song system with a simple chant and followed Kivi as
she blasted the enemy vessels one by one. After a few minutes all the enemies in
the area were disable or destroyed. The other three charged through the enemy
and blasted them apart. After a fierce but brief battle the six mobile suits
clumped back together. When they went to join their allies the disabled and
damaged enemy crafts self-destructed.
    * * *
Grigon, and Jesela worked at their stations on the bridge while the four droids
did their part. The four ships and their mobile suits were holding their own
against the enemy as the Maidens and Tctie pounded their foes.
really knows how to make an engineer feel obsolete,” Grigon cawed.
course he does,” Jesela said.
young drone knows what he’s doing,” Myden said. “Anyways, your ability isn’t
useless. Look at what we’re doing now.”
enough,” Grigon said.
at them,” Jesela said.
the Maidens and Tctie slashed through the remaining enemy forces and quieted
the battle. The few enemies left either self-destructed or gravity jumped away.
like we won,” Jesela said.
even incurring a scratch,” Grigon said.
it just me or do you want tougher battles?” Myden asked.
just talking,” Grigon said.
this than death I suppose,” Jesela added.
appeared on their monitor.
system of yours will be ready for everyone in a few minutes,” Veda said.
glad,” Jesela said. “Let’s install it as soon as

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