Savannah's Curse

Free Savannah's Curse by Shelia M. Goss

Book: Savannah's Curse by Shelia M. Goss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelia M. Goss
Montana and for Asia. Please give those to them. Love you all.
    P.S. Take care of Troy too. He doesn’t realize it, but he needs you just as much as you need him. Please find it in your heart to forgive him. He was young and scared. Under the circumstances he did the right thing.

    Savannah placed the disc and the brown envelope with the letter in her purse. She placed the remaining items back in the safe-deposit box. She signaled for the bank manager and watched him secure the box back in its place.
    With the disc and letters from her dad, Savannah felt better about the path she had taken. She would hold on to the disc until Asia was able to make a copy, and then she would turn it over to Troy. She wondered how her father knew about Troy. She wasn’t sure she could give him another chance. What she wanted to do to Troy would land her in jail.
    â€œI was about to send in the cavalry to get you,” Troy teased as Savannah was safely buckled behind the steering wheel.
    â€œNo, all’s well.” Savannah refused to look him in the eyes. “I’m sure my sisters are worried.”
    â€œThey love you.”
    â€œI know,” Savannah responded as she pulled out of the parking lot.
    Savannah decided to turn on some music, with hopes of avoiding a conversation with Troy. “Good system,” Troy said, once they pulled up into the garage.
    Savannah pretended not to hear. She didn’t wait for him to exit the car. She jumped out, and he was on her heels as she walked into the kitchen. Montana and Asia were nowhere to be found.
    â€œWait here,” Savannah directed.
    â€œI need to make a few phone calls, anyway,” Troy responded.
    â€œShe asked you to wait, but you wouldn’t listen. What if she’s right? What if he knows something that led to Dad’s death,” Savannah overheard Asia say when she made it to the top of the stairway.
    â€œSavannah, can be hot-headed. When she told us her plans, I didn’t think there was anything wrong with talking to Uncle Raymond. I never thought this would happen.”
    Savannah was livid. “You idiot! I told you not to talk to Uncle Raymond. Now it explains why those men broke in here.”
    Montana’s body shivered. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
    Savannah removed the brown envelope from her purse. She threw the letter at Montana. “Sorry is not good enough.”
    Montana bent down and retrieved the letter from the floor. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she read it. Asia took the letter from Montana.
    Savannah watched them read it. “Satisfied?”
    Between sniffles Montana said, “It still doesn’t prove anything.”
    â€œMaybe not. Asia, here’s the disc. Please copy it so I can give it to Troy.”
    â€œI’ll be in our secret place,” Asia responded.
    Montana was behind Asia. “Don’t move!” Savannah yelled.
    â€œI was going to help out,” she responded as her voice crackled.
    Savannah closed the door behind Asia. “Here’s your letter from Dad.” She handed her a sealed letter. Savannah knew Montana thought she was going to go off on her for talking to Uncle Raymond. Although she should, Savannah knew that reading the note in her father’s handwriting probably was more than enough guilt.
    Montana read the note out loud.
    â€œâ€˜My sweet Montana, Words could not express how much I love you and your sisters. I hope you’re not taking out your frustrations on your sisters. This is the time you all need to pull together. You’re more like your mother, Ellen, than you’ll ever know. She could be pigheaded, but I loved that woman. Before I digress, I don’t want you to close out your heart. I know it’s hard for you to trust people. Trust your sisters and trust the love that your mother and I had for you. No matter what happens, know that you were loved.’”
    Montana dropped the letter on

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