Trail of Lust

Free Trail of Lust by Em Petrova

Book: Trail of Lust by Em Petrova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Em Petrova
tipping over the edge.
    He poured his hot seed into her pussy at the moment she shattered. Her juices mixed with his, their moans a symphony. Each twitch of his cock sent another pulsation ripping through her body until she gasped for air.
    Tears filled her eyes and broke free. They rained down her face and wet his cheeks as they kissed.
    Feeling the moisture, he broke the caress and looked at her. “Did I hurt you, baby?"
    Unable to speak for the lump in her throat, she shook her head.
    He caught a tear on his thumb and licked it off. The gesture touched her heart, a touch more intimate than the one that had sent her sailing a moment ago.
    He continued to kiss away her tears. His big body pressed her down so perfectly. This was absolutely right—their union. Their passion.
    She wrapped her arms snugly around his body and drew him even closer. Their breathing slowed, and her heartbeat returned to normal.
    "You gonna tell me why you were crying, love?"
    A brand-new throb took up residence in her chest. Love? Surely it was just an endearment. He couldn't possibly be feeling the fuzzy sensations she was. But it didn't matter at the moment. He'd bound himself to her.
    Too bad he insisted upon keeping their union a secret.
    She searched his gaze. The golden-brown depths of his eyes sparkled, and his pupils were blown wide. He dropped his forehead to hers and rubbed it back and forth. His soft hair tickled her temples.
    "You've made me a happy man this night."
    Her heart surged. “I'm filled with joy to be your wife. But...must we really hide it?"
    His sigh washed over her face. He tightened his hold on her until she could barely draw breath. “I'm sorry, baby, but it's something I must do. If I hadn't been so hasty in making you mine and had courted you in a proper fashion, I would have already made certain no dangers could touch you."
    "You really believe there are any?"
    He leaned away to fix her in his level stare once more. “Allow me this, Kathleen. It's—” He broke off and struggled for words. His tortured expression backed her belief in what he was saying more than anything else. She couldn't bear to argue with him. “It's something I must do. I cannot take a risk with you."
    The throaty way he spoke and the way he touched her gave her hope that she meant something to him already. As long as she had that, she could wait to claim her place at his side. She turned her lips to his and felt the first stirrings of his body even as hers quickened, eager for more.
    [Back to Table of Contents]


    Chapter Six
    Kathleen's kisses and the feel of her body against his still lived in Graham's mind as he hurried her across the expanse of ground to her house. He'd barely been able to wrench himself from her arms and force her back home through the early hours before dawn.
    He'd stopped at the church and recovered her hat but refused to allow her to cover her auburn waves, which were still mussed from his hands.
    He dragged his gaze from her once more. Damn, he was on the verge of hauling her off to the high grass again.
    At the corner of the closest outbuilding to the house, they stopped. A shiver rippled through her and threaded through their entwined fingers. She gave him that wide-eyed, innocent stare that nearly unhinged him. Yes, protecting her had become his world.
    "Baby.” He cradled her cheek with one palm. “I'll be back for you tonight. Maybe sooner. I might have to pay a call to that newborn calf.” He smiled, hoping his false sense of lightness would spread to her.
    "How long is it going to take you to finish this business, Graham? Before we can live properly as man and wife?"
    "Not long. I promise.” He scanned the house for any sign of movement. That Silas hadn't noticed his daughter wasn't in her bed two nights in a row was surprising. The old man was still sharp, and Kathleen couldn't be that good of an actress.
    "All right, now go on in.” He released her reluctantly—first, peeling his hands off her,

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