Legacy of Olympus (In the Gods' Secret Service)

Free Legacy of Olympus (In the Gods' Secret Service) by Teri Gilbert

Book: Legacy of Olympus (In the Gods' Secret Service) by Teri Gilbert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teri Gilbert
Tags: Romance, Ebook
always known she could talk her way out of any situation, but Stephanos had made sure she could fight her way out of one, too.
    She quickly scanned the area, then sprinted in the direction of the closest exit, a corridor a few feet away. She glanced behind her. So far, so good. One was still out cold, and the other was a few feet behind her.
    Facing ahead again, she saw a flash of white before plowing straight into a man’s broad chest. His hands closed around her shoulders. No. Wildly, she swung her arm. Adrenaline surged through her as she struggled against her captor, kicking, squirming, doing anything she could to make him let her go. She wouldn’t be manhandled again. Raising her knee, she aimed for his crotch, missed, catching him on his muscular inner thigh instead. Pain radiated from her kneecap. Damn, she felt as though she’d kneed a chunk of marble.
    The hefty blond wrapped his massive arms around her, immobilizing her, pressing her vise-tight against his hard body. “Enough.” She felt her feet lift off the floor as he half-carried her backward toward the center of the room.
    A low chuckle vibrated in the air. “I think you can set her down now, Zander. Unless, of course, you’re worried she might hurt you.”
    Slashes of red sprang to Zander’s face as he eased her down. The second her feet hit the floor, she whirled to face the man she knew was responsible for her abduction and the murder of her friends.
    The first thing that struck her was that Dorian Mallaki photographed poorly. In person, he was strikingly handsome, with his classic Greek features, accented by a white shirt, unbuttoned to the point where several sprigs of curly black chest hairs were revealed. His tan khaki slacks were snug, emphasizing his lean, muscular physique, and slight bulge at his crotch. Heat flooded her face when she returned her gaze to his face, and spotted the knowing curl of his slightly scarred upper lip.
    “I see my men made a mistake.”
    Her heart thudded in slow, heavy thumps. Did that mean he’d let her go? Or that she was expendable?
    “We encircled them both.” Stick Man joined them, standing a few feet behind, looking somehow shorter. “Bastard must have a bit of the dark one in him.”
    Mallaki shot him a warning glance. “You interrupted me.”
    Stick Man lowered his eyes and shifted nervously from one foot to the other.
    Mallaki returned his gaze to her. “The mistake I was referring to is that you are far more beautiful than my men had led me to believe.” His gaze slid to her chest, where it lingered longer than necessary, as if he were trying to visualize what she looked like without clothes. As difficult as it was, Eleni forced her arms to remain at her side. Mallaki’s gaze moved lower as he seemed to digest every inch of her.
    The air stilled as his inspection continued.
    She exhaled a trembling breath. His eyes found hers. Arousal lingered in their dark depths. She tore her gaze from his and focused on the shimmering blue water behind him.
    “Yes.” Mallaki spoke softly, as if to himself, then turned to Zander and Stick Man. “Pity you weren’t able to obtain our target. He must have some Hades in him. But she’ll do. Alec Androulakis will surely come to rescue someone as exquisite as she.”
    At Alec’s name, Eleni’s heart sank. She wanted to drop to her knees, beg Mallaki not to hurt him, but realized there would be no point. But maybe she could manipulate Mallaki into letting her go.
    Her captor’s gaze narrowed.
    She traced a tongue along her dry mouth. Could he read her thoughts?
    “Don’t worry, my dear.” A condescending smile graced Mallaki’s lips. “I’m not going to harm Mr. Androulakis, merely persuade him that he should join our side and live in the lap of luxury.” His gaze drifted behind her. “Mr. Androulakis won’t be able to resist my offer, will he, Zander?”
    “No, Master.”
    The almost robotic quality to Zander’s response sent a wave of unease

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