Legacy of Olympus (In the Gods' Secret Service)

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Book: Legacy of Olympus (In the Gods' Secret Service) by Teri Gilbert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teri Gilbert
Tags: Romance, Ebook
Stephanos rubbed his chin.
    “Was there a flickering of air?”
    “Yes, but we don’t have time for twenty questions.”
“Hades had the helmet of invisibility, Hermes had the speed. The men you encountered came from a mixed bloodline.”
    Alec raked a hand through his hair and tried to absorb Stephanos’s explanation. “But why take Eleni?”
    “I think they wanted you .” Stephanos appeared deep in thought. “When the atmosphere changed, where were you?”
    “In the middle of the ripples, just like Eleni.”
    “So, you’ve got some Hades in you.”
    “What does that mean?”
    “You can’t be affected by the powers of someone in the same genetic line as you.”
    Great, so somehow he, or rather his tainted bloodline, had put Eleni in their grasp. “Who took her, and how do we get her back?”
    Stephanos held up a hand. “First things first. The doctors say I should be dead. My body’s been riddled with bullets, but I’m still here. Do you know anything about that?”
    Stephanos must have just been close to death and resuscitated. But what about the tingle of energy running through him and into Stephanos? His entire arm had felt alive, as if millions of tiny creatures moved deep within. Then there was the burst of heat when he’d lifted Eleni into his arms after the explosion. What was that? Was there even a logical explanation? “What I know is that I’m Alec Andrews, meteorologist for News Team Seven.” The words sounded corny, even as he spoke them.
    “And direct descendant of one of the most powerful healers known to man.”
    “According to myth.”
    Stephanos nodded toward Alec’s hands. “You said you were in a fight? That you struck a man with your bare hands. Where’s the evidence?”
    Alec stared at his hands in disbelief. Where bits of flesh had dangled, tiny fine scars lined his hands. Dried blood verified the injuries. “These weren’t like this half an hour ago.” He raked a hand through his hair. “Even if I believe you, why now? Why haven’t I noticed this power before?”
    “I’ve given that a great deal of thought myself. Have you ever been around injured people who needed healing?”
    Alec searched his mind for any instances. In high school, he’d opted for the science and chess clubs and had never been into sports, not the more likely places to encounter someone who’d been hurt.
    “I didn’t think so. Even if you had, I would suggest that perhaps the shock of seeing so many dead people at Amalgamated might have triggered your ability.” Stephanos gave him a speculative look. “I see from your expression you need more proof.”
    Alec wanted to yell in frustration. He didn’t have time for whatever “proof” Stephanos had in mind. But he got the distinct feeling his argument would fall on deaf ears. Besides, what choice did he have?
    Stephanos turned and nodded toward a man Alec could now make out standing in the shadows at the far end of the warehouse. Within seconds, harsh light flooded the immediate area.
    Stephanos gestured for the man to step forward. Short and slim, with thick wavy hair and smooth features, he came to stand about a foot away.
    “Theo is one of my most loyal friends.” Stephanos slid a jackknife from his jacket pocket and extended the blade. He gestured at Theo. “Hold out your hand.”
    Realization dawned on Alec. “Wait.”
    Stephanos ignored him and swiped the blade across Theo’s palm, leaving a bright red trail in its path. The man’s lips pulled away from his teeth, and his pupils contracted to pinpoints of pain.
    Bile rose in Alec’s throat at the sharp, metallic smell of blood. A cut that deep would require stitches. These people were sick.
    “Do what you did when you healed me.” Stephanos jerked his head toward Theo’s hand.
    “All I did was touch you.”
    “Then take his hand. Don’t think about it, just do it.”
    Alec did as Stephanos directed. His hand started tingling at the point of contact. Heat pulsed

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