Their Ex's Redrock Midnight (Texas Alpha)
    Oops, she’d forgotten where they were at, but the minute she called him “Captain,” his aura started to become Captain and the heat was back to broil on high. Then she was against the wall with him deliciously against her and she hung on, wishing they could make out right there.
    His lips lowered to her ear. “That’s private, boo.”
    “Oops,” she whispered back. Then he made her nearly come right there in the hallway to his office.
    “Need a spanking for that.”
    She should not quiver!
    She did ...
    He felt it, and damn it, he chuckled. Knowingly. “You like that,” he murmured.
    She shook her head, denying it, but her mouth said, “Maybe.”
    He rubbed her lower with his hard interest, showing he liked it too. “We will explore that.”
    Then he stepped back and left her a puddle of arousal. But the look on his lean, chiseled features said he was just holding on to his own fierce arousal.
    “Come on, I have work to do.”
    Rusty thought Cabe had done a fine job of work all over her, but she followed him.
    That night in the shower in Cabe’s room at Rowdie’s, Rusty thought about Cabe’s work. She kind of knew from Tess that Vincent and Cabe had made money in oil after they’d both been in military service. That oil money meant they must choose to run the charity WTSF, which had to be time consuming and a pain in the ass but did worlds of good for people, which were life-changing worlds of good.
    Cabe was a complicated man. He never talked about his money or even acted like he had any, and she’d been very surprised to hear he was an orphan. Tess had told her Vincent was raised in a boys’ home several counties over, but Tess had never said Cabe had been there too. Knowing that, Rusty understood more why Cabe was running a place for at-danger kids.
    That afternoon, Cabe had checked her boredom by taking her to WTSF gun range at the back of the huge property. They’d gotten there by golf cart and Cabe had said he regularly checked that the weapons were accounted for, locked up, and even in good working order.
    He’d muttered, “After clueless girls get their hands on them while gossiping to each other.”
    Rusty had offered some advice: “Teach them one on one. Not in a group or pairing. It’d seem like it would take longer, but I’d bet you’d get more of their attention. Plus fire the first shot with no earplugs, scare them, then they’ll really listen.”
    Cabe had stopped on the long walk through the outdoor gun range posts, and turned to her. “Brilliant.” He’d grabbed her against him, holding her there. “First question, do you want to volunteer here, and second question, how’d you come up with that?”
    Cabe’s closeness had had Rusty’s mind instantly melting with pleasure, then her body had instantly heated with pleasure, and then the compliment had her belly fluttering with pleasure, so she’d had a pretty nice smile when she’d said, “Yes, I’d volunteer on my slow times, and my aunt taught me.”
    “She did?”
    Rusty knew that was probably a strange thing for a surrogate mom to teach their surrogate daughter, but her aunt had grown up as a farm girl and thought her daughter should learn to shoot; besides, her aunt didn’t let anyone mess around with her. That had come partially from Rusty’s mom being a dangerous, drugged-out flake before she’d died.
    Rusty had explained, “My aunt taught Tess too, out on her dad’s farm before he passed away.”
    “Did she use that gun scare tactic on you?”
    “Yes.” Rusty smiled up at Cabe so he wouldn’t get mad. “It was a .357 and she shot it right by me. Freaking got my attention. She knew it would scare me and get my attention, which it did, but I think I surprised her by really wanting to shoot it after that.”
    “Need to meet this aunt,” Cabe had said, tilting her chin up.
    Rusty had grabbed his wrist. “She’s gone; it’s one of the reasons I even ended up back here to look after her

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