My Dark Duke

Free My Dark Duke by Elyse Huntington

Book: My Dark Duke by Elyse Huntington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elyse Huntington
it would be improper. Only that it is, well, a rather long time to impose on your company.’
    â€˜Ah, that’s right. I had briefly forgotten that my presence did not fill you with overwhelming excitement or joy.’
    â€˜That isn’t completely true.’ Alethea’s voice dropped so that the last word was barely a whisper.
    Trent leaned towards her and her gaze faltered so that she was staring at the rich blue and black pattern of his brocade waistcoat. ‘In that case,’ he uttered softly, ‘perhaps you might like to go riding with me Tuesday afternoon?’
    Her gaze swept up the perfectly fitted azure satin of his coat to his face. All traces of humour had disappeared from his countenance and she felt her breath catch in her throat at the glittering intensity in his dark eyes. She was silent as she searched for her voice.
    â€˜I would like that very much,’ she whispered finally.
    The faint tension in his features eased. ‘Good. It’s settled, then. I will be at your residence at five. Now, I should go and fill a plate for Antonia before she faints from hunger. Just in time, it seems,’ he said, his eyes focusing on something in the distance. ‘Your mother is on the way over. She appears extremely intent.’
    Alethea smiled.
That would be you.
‘Go before she arrives. And if I were you, I would take my time.’
    Trent smiled ruefully as he stood up. ‘As a grown man who possesses a duchy and holds his own in the House of Lords, I feel some shame in saying this, for the truth is – your mother terrifies me.’
    She burst out laughing. ‘Just don’t show your fear. She pounces if she senses any weakness.’
    The duke bowed. ‘I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. I will be back shortly.’
    Alethea bit her lip as she watched him walk away. This was only her third meeting with him and from the turmoil in her breast, she knew she was already well on her way towards falling for him. The almost irrational sense of anticipation she felt at the thought of spending more time in his company vied hard with self-preservation. Would she, in all honesty, be able to prevent her heart from breaking if he decided not to make an offer for her after all?
    She was very much afraid that the answer was going to be no.

Chapter 7
    Our Hero Scintillates Again
    â€˜Good morning, Papa,’ Alethea called out as she entered the breakfast room.
    The Duke of Alton looked up from his perusal of the morning paper. ‘Good morning, my dear.’
    Alethea came and sat down next to her father. A scant moment later, a plate holding two slices of freshly baked bread was placed before her along with a cup of tea, made exactly the way she liked it. She smiled at the footman. ‘Thank you, George.’ She took a sip of her tea and looked back at her father. ‘Papa, I . . .’ She paused, feeling unusually nervous at telling him about her ride with Trent that afternoon.
    The duke frowned. ‘What is it, Alethea?’
    â€˜Last Saturday evening, at the musicale hosted by the Guildfords, well . . . I met Trent again.’
    â€˜Oh?’ Alton folded up the newspaper and put it down, then trained his sharp eyes on his eldest daughter. ‘It’s Tuesday. You didn’t mention this earlier.’
    Alethea bit her lip. ‘I know, Papa. I suppose I was a little apprehensive about telling you. I know you were concerned when he took me on that carriage drive a week ago.’
    â€˜I still am. But, Alethea, my love, I always will be. No matter who is courting you, or seeking your hand in marriage, I will always be concerned. I am your father, after all.’
    She nodded. ‘I realise that.’
    â€˜What happened with Trent?’
    â€˜We spoke and he asked me to accompany him on a ride today. Do I have your permission to go?’ She held her breath when a frown reappeared on the duke’s

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