My Dark Duke

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Book: My Dark Duke by Elyse Huntington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elyse Huntington
    â€˜This is the third time he’s seen you in the space of a week?’
    Her father looked steadily at her. ‘Alethea, you are no longer a small child. You know that I have always supported your decisions. If you wish to go for a drive or a ride with Trent, go. I trust your judgement, my dear. Just take a care and be on your watch. Do not forget that I, too, was young once. I am certain that you are well aware that even gentlemen are willing to do ungentlemanly things to obtain the prize they have set their eyes on.’
    â€˜I doubt very much that Trent sees me as a prize, but thank you, Papa, I will keep your warning in mind.’ Pleased that he had given her his approval, she asked him what newsworthy items were featured in the morning paper. She listened with half an ear, buttering a slice of bread as he extolled the virtues of the Whigs. Her mind was occupied with thoughts of the coming afternoon and the duke. What will we converse about? she wondered. Would he perhaps show his true intentions towards her?
    â€˜Good morning, my dears!’ The Duchess of Alton sailed into the breakfast room, resplendent in a forest-green morning dress trimmed in cream lace.
    Alethea raised her eyebrows. ‘Mother? You look somewhat strange. Are you in pain? No, wait, I believe it’s . . . it’s a smile!’
    â€˜Alethea,’ said her father reprovingly, but when she glanced across at him, he was smiling. ‘Victoria, you are certainly in a cheery mood this morning. What has happened?’
    â€˜Why does anything need to have happened? It is a glorious day and my eldest daughter is being courted by none other than the Duke of Trent, the most sought-after bachelor in the entire
beau monde
. Although,’ she continued with a small frown, ‘I would like to have spoken to him more at length at the Guildfords’. I do not know why Mulgrave had to command Trent’s company at the exact moment he came back to your table, Alethea. It was most inconvenient.’
    Alethea bit the inside of her cheek to suppress a smile. Thank heavens for her godfather. If it weren’t for him, her mother might very well have asked Trent when his offer was going to be forthcoming, and in doing so, frightened him away. Not that the duke would have turned tail and run. She hadn’t believed him in the slightest when he told her he found her mother intimidating.
    â€˜In any case, it appears that all my children could very well be married by the end of the season.’ The older woman looked entirely pleased with herself as she took a sip of tea.
    â€˜Mother.’ Alethea just managed to suppress a groan. ‘I have spoken with Trent on precisely three occasions. That does not mean that he will make an offer for me.’
    â€˜Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Alethea. The man has asked you to accompany him on another ride. Of course he will be asking for your hand. Tell her, Sinclair.’
    â€˜Victoria, I pray, do not place the cart before the horse.’ At the look his wife shot him, he conceded. ‘Alethea, Trent is showing more than a little interest in you. But let us just wait and see, shall we? There is no need to jump to conclusions. You must remember this is the first time he has been back in society since his wife’s passing. It would not be surprising if he were testing the waters, so to speak. Although if he thinks he can play with your affections with no expectation of consequences, he will soon learn otherwise,’ said the duke grimly.
    â€˜Papa, please, do not fret.’ Alethea leaned across and placed a hand on his arm. ‘As you say, I am not a little girl any more. I am more than capable of guarding my affections, I promise you. And Mother? I don’t mean to give you a fit of the vapours, but I will decide whether to accept Trent’s offer, if and when the time comes. But,’ she said quickly, as she saw colour rise

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