Dreams among Stars

Free Dreams among Stars by Pirx Danford

Book: Dreams among Stars by Pirx Danford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pirx Danford
this location, there was no terminal in place. Nevertheless I connected the data cable and made sure it was anchored safely. Then I hurried back to the terminal we just came from.
    I was so eager that I pushed away from the hull and assisted by the boots whipping cables I measured the distance with huge steps.
    During this I miscalculated a jump and nearly got too far away, to Rolf’s luck as right when my ropes hooks found purchase he floated past me.
    I grabbed one of his his boots and pulled Rolf along with me.
    “ We have to be much more careful.” I said hoarsely. “When your people start with outside missions you should fasten safety bonds to each other.”  
    Anyhow the terminals display was much more important now.
    I rejoiced when I detected that a connection was in place.
    Complete success on my first mission, even if I would meet my death now, at least my successor would have complete access to the ships status.
    Rolf said “Your cheers do mean that you accomplished your goal? Will you keep your promise?”
    To all intents and purposes I longed to get to the maintenance center at C 3 II, luckily the folks of Rolf’s tribe were familiar with the coordinate system.
    “ Rolf, are your people also located at segment C 3 in section 2?” I met his kin at segment C 4 at section 3, so two habitats away from there, but maybe his tribe was spread out farther.  
    “ Sorry Helen, but our tribes are organized in small groups, still we keep closely in touch. I suggest you return with me and after you helped us we take care of you reaching your desired location.”  
    As I had given my word I agreed.
    Marple and Thing displayed the location of the nearest airlock leading back to Rolf’s tribe and we set off.
    Unassertive Rolf asked “This sensor” he touched TRB-19 “what makes it so special?” Intrinsically I didn’t want to reply to that question, since it was such a disconcerting mystery to me, nonetheless eventually I replied “It is like this, since I wakened I have these strange dreams. Dreams in which I am part of the ship itself. In one of these dreams I was TRB-19 and felt its death - well his malfunctioning through a much too long service time.” I only heard a Oh! From Rolf and then silence, as we moved along.
    After a while Rolf had made up a speech “You are not the first with such strange dreams, the first case that I know about happened a hundred years ago. It was a boy child of the Irimani, which like most people enjoy the Benefactors protection. People started to believe in what the boy was telling, as the Benefactor could not have that happen the boy was taken captive. Since then everyone receiving such dreams is being pursued by the Benefactors troops. Our tribe is called Dargye and we belong to the people called The open Eyes, it is our custom to venerate those born with this gift, because it is our belief those are messengers of the ship.”  
    I just had to find out more about the social situation aboard, it was extremely evident that the populace had developed in a completely unpredicted direction.
    After arriving at the airlock I had Rolf exercise how to find remotely controllable components with Things help.
    “ I feel like a demigod!” he laughed as the airlock zipped open.  
    We entered and I returned “But much too mortal, I had to find out on my way through the ship.”
    After the airlock had sealed and air pressure was stabilizing I felt my pent-up tension falling off. A bit larking I urged Rolf to hurry up, but he reminded me about the Benefactors soldiers.
    As this was a different airlock I checked on the fabber, it was worn out like the other, but it was stocked with a much greater amount of construction materials.
    It was a task requiring great diligence to get all the ships fabbers back in working condition, to then proceed and get the ship back into a better shape.
    As we left the airlocks antechamber only a dark cave greeted us.
    Rolf purposefully moved toward one of

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