Scarlet Dawn

Free Scarlet Dawn by Megan J. Parker

Book: Scarlet Dawn by Megan J. Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan J. Parker
vampires, and medical supplies. Which means that those luxuries come from those willing to do what needs to be done,” he looked over, “like stealing and running from those who would get in the way.”
    “I…” Serena stared up at the building, unable to even begin to think of a response. All the crimes she’d seen on the files, robbing mythos blood supplies and medical facilities; cases of kidnapping and turf warfare. All of it—every single crime he’d been charged for—suddenly made sense. “This entire time…” Serena shook her head in disbelief, “Y-you’ve been taking care of them this whole time…”
    Axle nodded, “I couldn’t be sure if you’d understand, so I needed to keep this location secret before I could show you where I’ve been bringing everything we’ve stolen.”
    With that, he pushed open the door.
    “AXLE!” Serena gasped as a small boy, a sang with a bright blue aura that danced excitedly around him, rushed forward and jumped into Axle’s arms. “I knew you’d come back soon,” he boasted.
    Serena frowned, noticing that the boy only had a single fang.
    “Oh come on, Fang, you know I can’t stay away from you kids for long,” Axle smiled. “Where’s Sierra?”
    “Miss Sierra was reading us a story, but I heard your car and I snuck out!” Fang grinned and turned to face Serena.
    Serena blinked for a moment as he squirmed free of Axle’s arms and ran over to her, squealing in excitement.
    “H-hi,” she smiled, looking down at him, I’m—”
    “I know! You’re S’rena!” He grinned, “I heard stories about you from my mom and dad!”
    “Your parents?” Serena blinked and hoisted the boy up, allowing him to cradle against her shoulder and looking over at Axle.
    “Fang’s sort of a unique situation,” Axle explained. “His parents were properly filed with The Council, but they weren’t credited or insured to any clan. They wanted to lead a safe, quiet life, but…” He trailed off, offering no other explanation than a shrug.
    Serena nodded, “Always a gap in the system.” Biting her lip, she looked back at Fang, “I’m so sorry about your parents, hun.”
    “Yeah, they got killeded by hunters. Mom and Dad weren’t strong like you, S’rena. They told me bedtime stories about you; told me that you were a strong warrior and that you came back to Vail to save us! And now you’ve come to help Miss Sierra!” His smile widened as he bounced in Serena’s arms.
    “Oh wow… I-I had no idea there were stories about me,” Serena blushed and then looked down at Fang. “But I only came back to Vail a few months ago. When did your parents…?”
    “Not long ago…” Fang whimpered and looked down sadly, “Axle saved me and killed the hunters!” He looked back at the blushing therion, “He’s real strong too, S’rena!”
    Serena looked up at Axle and smiled as she gave Fang a tight hug before setting him down and starting to look around the orphanage.
    The place was an undeniable shit-sty!
    There had to be something she could do to help.
    Though she knew it would take some sizable paper-pushing and tweaks to how she filed cases with The Council, she was certain that Zoey would know how to work the system in their favor so the children and any who were working to help them could be brought into the Vail Clan. It would certainly ruffle a few feathers initially—getting that many unregistered mythos kids suddenly filed into the Vail system would earn more than its fair share of dirty looks—but they deserved another chance and even if The Council didn’t approve right away.
    And even then, they owed Serena big time for dealing with her scheming brother, who would’ve turned their entire organization inside-out if he’d had his way.
    She had them by the balls, and she’d use that grip as leverage to prove to them that the children were worth it.
    After all, she’d never been against busting the balls of authorities; why should the most influential

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