Place to Belong, a
fall and perhaps sadden this day. All these years her father had provided for her after all.
    â€œI always knew Adam Lockwood was a fine man.” Mavisnodded as she spoke, a smile playing with the edges of her eyes and mouth. “And this just goes to prove it. Goes to prove our heavenly Father makes it all work together for good. Every time I see that verse in action, I get goose bumps.”
    Reverend Brandenburg shook Micah’s hand. “Thank you for such a fine story on such a fine day. Makes my heart about bubble over with joy. And now, I was told there would be cake, and I think coffee and cake is another fine idea.” He rubbed his hands together.
    His wife elbowed him in the side. “You always think coffee and cake is a fine idea, especially when Mavis is doing the baking.”
    â€œNow, Ellie, you make fine cakes too.”
    Mavis was beaming. “You all sit down and visit, and we’ll bring it in here. I made a layer cake for this special occasion.”
    When everyone was served, Reverend Brandenburg blessed the food and the newly married couple. His eyes lit up at the first bite of frosted cake. “Sure makes the drive out here worthwhile, not that we didn’t have a dandy mission on top of that.”
    Runs Like a Deer sat slightly behind Micah, and when Cassie saw her look at him, she had to smile too. Runs Like a Deer loved her husband. You could see the love, actually see it. It glowed from her dark eyes. It vibrated through her body. And while she didn’t smile much, she did when he said something or turned and looked at her.
    Arnett dug a package out from behind him in the chair and handed it to her. “I thought you might like to have this. Belonged to my wife.”
    Runs Like a Deer stared at him, then down to the proffered box, shaking her head.
    â€œTake it,” Micah said softly.
    She did and unwrapped a small cameo on a black ribbon. “Oh my.” She draped the pendant over her hand. Shaking her head, she tried to hand it back. “Too fine.”
    â€œThank you from both of us,” Micah said, his hand cupping the one holding the cameo. “We will treasure this.”
    Runs Like a Deer swallowed hard. “Yes, thank you.” With both hands she clutched the piece of jewelry to her chest. “Thank you.”
    When the two rode back up the hill, they had buttons from Lucas, an ax from Ransom, ownership of the rifle he’d been using from Cassie, a box of kitchen things from the Brandenburgs, and two cooking pans from Mavis that Cassie knew were Runs Like a Deer’s favorite pans to use.
    â€œWe better be heading back to town,” Brandenburg said. “Get your coat, Ellie, and we’ll be on our way.”
    â€œGetting coolish out there again,” Ransom said. “We’ll bring up your team. You stay in here where it is warm.” He and Lucas shrugged into their sheepskin coats and headed for the barn.
    Cassie began gathering up the dishes. She scooped up some cake crumbs from the edge of the cake plate and closed her eyes, the better to appreciate the delicious treat. Maybe she should just tell Lucas that she’d marry him. Get all this yes-and-no stuff taken care of. Uncertainty was never a comfortable shirt.


    J ust tell him.
    Ransom’s orders to himself sounded faintly like some     of his memories of his father. He stared up at the ceiling but couldn’t see it in the darkness. He could usually fall into bed and immediately into the deep well of sleep, but not tonight. Was it the wedding this afternoon in the big room that was causing him to doubt his actions? Micah and Runs Like a Deer both looked happy, and while neither one of them showed their emotions much, today had indeed been a special day for them.
    And Ransom had caught his brother watching Cassie. Why had she not accepted his proposal? Surely marrying Lucas would solve a lot of her problems. And if he really allowed the

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