Lily's Dream (Unexpected Lover Series)

Free Lily's Dream (Unexpected Lover Series) by Lea Collins

Book: Lily's Dream (Unexpected Lover Series) by Lea Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Collins
jumped the curb and ran
right into Lily. She was all covered with blood. I tried to talk her out of
leaving the apartment but…..” Molly started crying.
    “Were the police there?” asked Andre.
“They arrived when the ambulance arrived. As soon as they took Lily, I started
running to your salon,” explained Molly.
    Andre pulled into the Emergency Entrance
of the hospital. “Park the car, Molly,” he asked and hurried into the hospital.
    “Where’s Lily Gardner? She was just brought
in,” he asked the attendant. “You can’t see her unless you’re a relative,” he
was told. “I’m her husband,” he lied. “I assume you’re the Andre she’s been
asking for. I’ll take you to her cubicle,” the attendant replied. 
    Andre entered her area to find the nurse
washing the blood off her face. “Lily,” he exclaimed, “are you okay?” “Andre,
you’re finally here,” said Lily, “my ankle hurts.” He immediately took her hand
and sat next to her while looking her over carefully. “My love, I was scared to
death. How badly are you hurt?”
    The nurse responded, “She’s a very lucky
young lady. She hit her head when she fell and that’s where all the blood came
from. The doctor should be in shortly. I’m trying to get her cleaned up. The
nurse left telling them she would be back.
    “What’s wrong with your ankle? Is it
broken?” immediately asked Andre.
    The doctor came in at this moment and
checked her over. ‘You don’t show signs of a concussion but will need a few
stitches in your scalp and I’ve ordered an x-ray of your leg. I’ll have the
nurse give you something for the pain. I don’t think it’s broken but it’s best
to be sure. There’s no indication of internal injuries. She’s very lucky that
she was not hurt much worse. I’ll be back when we have the results of the
x-ray,” stated the doctor.
    “My leg hurts, Andre,” said Lily. “I
know, love. You’ll get something for pain shortly,” he replied.
    At that moment the nurse came in and
added the pain medication to her IV. Within moments Lily sighed with relief. “So
I have a husband”, she said and smiled. He laced his fingers with hers on her
free arm and said, “Lily, my heart turned to ice when I knew you had been hurt
and I didn’t know how badly. I want you to know how much I love you. I adore you.
I love you with all my heart.” He leaned over and kissed her gently on the
    Molly appeared at the doorway and said,
“Wow! It looks like I’m interrupting something. I’ll wait outside.”
    Lily looked deeply into Andre’s eyes and
said, “I love you, too. I have for a long time, even had to show you my breasts
trying to get a rise out of you.”
    “You certainly got one. I just about
swallowed my tongue when your top came off.” Then with a thoughtful look he asked,
“Do you mean you rigged those ties to come undone?” “I didn’t tie them very
tight and hoped they’d come undone,” she replied with a grin.” He smiled and
said, “It worked very well. I enjoyed it very much.”
    Lily was taken to x-ray and Molly came
in to wait with Andre. “I assume she is not seriously hurt? There was so much
blood and she was unconscious. I was so scared. That jackass in the car didn’t
even stop. It just hit her and sent her flying across the sidewalk and into the
    Lily was wheeled back into the cubicle.
A short time later, the doctor returned with the information that her ankle was
not broken. The car hit her on the left side and caused her to twist her right
ankle as she was thrown across the sidewalk. She has a bad sprain around the right
ankle area and will not be able to walk for at least a week. He wrapped the
leg, sewed the three stitches in her scalp. She would have to remain for a few
hours to be under supervision in case she has a concussion. “When you go home,
you won’t be able to stay by yourself. Is there someone who can help you?” he
    Molly had followed the

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