Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch

Free Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch by Cheryl Dragon

Book: Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Dragon
Tags: BIN 05625-01802
turned his head. “No, everyone knew but me. The leader is the last to know.”
    DC’s lips pressed to Reed’s ass, and he trembled in anticipation. “I’ll make it up to you. I swear I’ll never stop screwing your brains out.”
    “Right now, you’re the one getting screwed.” DC pressed to him. “And you’ll make it up to all of us. Give yourself to the group. Tell the truth and no more hiding.”
    Reed nodded and tried to relax. “I’ve never done this before.”
    “I figured that much.” DC paused. “Nothing? Not a toy?”
    “No. A toy? You’re it. You’re all I want. Take it easy, okay?” Reed braced himself.
    DC’s hot chest pressed to Reed’s back and those lips caressed his shoulder. “Relax, you virgin.”
    Chuckling, Reed eased his hips back as DC advanced. He’d imagined it so many times, but that thick cock spreading him was real now. When it got tight, DC’s hands teased behind Reed’s sac, and he opened more.
    “Like it?” DC asked.
    “Is that all?” Reed teased.
    DC pressed more, and Reed groaned at the sensation. Stretched and unimaginably full, Reed closed his eyes. He’d seen Andy and Jude screwing around with DC, but now it was just the two of them. Watching was not living it.
    “That’s all. You’ve taken all of me.” DC rocked gently.
    Reed punched the pillow as new levels of ecstasy hit him. DC fucked him slowly until Reed got the rhythm, rocking back onto his new lover. “I love this.”
    “Good.” DC wrapped his arms around Reed’s torso.
    “Faster?” Reed suggested.
    DC gave it to him little by little. Before he knew it, Reed was slamming back on DC, demanding his cock. DC’s hips snapped forward, delivering Reed’s pleasure. Reed lost his grip on reality when his release tore through him.
    At the end he heard more shouting and felt DC grinding. Hearing DC scream his name tugged at Reed in a way the sex alone couldn’t. He collapsed and his brain took back command from his body.
    “I’m so sorry.” Reed rolled over and pulled DC to him. “I’m sorry I wasted the time. I’m an idiot. You should’ve hated me and walked out years ago.”
    DC smiled. “Maybe, but without Phoebe I don’t know if I’d have had the courage. We’re good but the group thing is our family. It’s all or nothing.”
    Nodding, Reed finally understood what the rest of them seemed to have figured out instinctively. They weren’t meant for traditional relationships, gay or straight. “We’re like the really kinky five musketeers.”
    DC’s laughter filled the room. Reed was now free. Leaving the past behind, he had everything he needed to fight evil and be happy. He pulled DC in for another kiss. It’d never be enough.

Chapter Eight
    Andy added sauce to the spaghetti and stirred. Jude set the table, watching so Andy didn’t double up on the sauce.
    “Hot garlic bread.” Phoebe set the basket on the table. “Only burned one.”
    “Mine!” Andy grabbed the dark piece of bread. “I love the dark ones. And extra sauce.”
    Jude chuckled. “Heat up extra sauce in the gravy boat. Don’t overload the noodles.”
    Grumbling, Andy put the spaghetti on the table and went for the second jar.
    “You guys are so cute.” Phoebe opened a bottle of wine.
    Jude hugged her from behind. “True. Think the two upstairs will come down for dinner?”
    “They’re a lot happier now, less stress.” She shrugged.
    “We heard that.” Andy grabbed a glass, pouring himself some wine.
    Phoebe poured wine for her and Jude and sat at the table. “We’re not waiting for them; I’m starving. Just don’t tease Reed, okay?”
    “It’s so tempting.” Jude never would, but there would be a little ribbing about how long Reed had held off.
    “Come on. The guy was in denial for how long?” Andy bit into another piece of garlic bread.
    “Be nice or it might justify every fear he had.” Phoebe scooped out pasta onto her plate. Jude sat next to her and passed around a salad as DC and

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