Fling in Paris

Free Fling in Paris by Mia Loveless

Book: Fling in Paris by Mia Loveless Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Loveless
Tags: Romance, Interracial, Erotic Romance
up off the bed, swearing like a sailor.
    “Fuck! Elven A.M.!” she rushed into the bathroom and jumped into the shower. Five minutes later she was toweling her hair dry, praying to whatever deity existed that she wasn’t going to get her ass fired.
    That’s ridiculous, a voice in her head chided. You’re sleeping with the boss. Of course you’re not going to get fired.
    But that just makes everything even worse! Her conscience wailed.
    As if on cue, Roberto walked into the bathroom, fully dressed in a gray pinstriped suit. He smiled as he caught sight of her damp, naked body, and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.
    “Good morning, bellisima,” he greeted her cheerfully. “Did you sleep well?”
    "Yeah,” she snapped, snagging a brush and furiously working out the tangles in her hair. “I slept so well that I'm late.” She swore again as the brush caught on a tangle, then ruthlessly worked it free. “I missed a training session this morning. Why the hell didn't you wake me?"
    "Slow down,” Roberto laughed, prying the brush out of her hands before she did some serious damage to her scalp. “I didn't wake you because you looked like you needed the rest after last night. I canceled your sessions for today when I went into the office this morning so that you could have the day off to move."
    Sherry stared at him. He was so unbearably thoughtful. "You talked to Sophie?"
    "Yes.” He smiled.
    "And I can move today?"
    "You can move today, tomorrow or whenever you are ready. The company has the bill and I have your keys right here." He pressed them into the palm of her hand, and she closed her fingers around the cold metal, thrilled beyond words.
    "I'm going to the hotel to get my things," she said after a moment, holding her voice steady even though she felt like crying. No man had ever been so kind, so thoughtful to her before.
    "Do you want me to come with you?" She nodded. “We’ll go in my car then.”
    Not only did Roberto go with her to the hotel, but he helped her pack her things, check out, and deliver them to her new flat. When she stepped inside the flat her jaw dropped—it had been empty when she last looked at it, but someone had taken the time to fully furnish the place. She turned to protest, but Roberto hushed her by pressing a finger against her lips.
    “Don’t worry about it, Sherry,” he soothed. “It’s on the company dime, and if you are uncomfortable with that we can always take a little bit out of your paycheck until it’s paid back in full.”
    He helped her unpack, and then took her to the store so that she could stock up on groceries. She tried to protest again, knowing that he should be at the office, but he simply responded that the sooner she was back on her feet the sooner she could get back to work, and he wouldn’t let her argue with him about it.
    “Besides,” he pointed out. “It’s not like you have anyone else available to help you out.”
    When it was all done, Roberto flopped down onto the brand-new couch. “Finally done,” he sighed, closing his eyes.
    “Tired?” Sherry asked, brushing a lock of hair away from his face.
    His lips twitched. "Yes. Someone kept me up late last night."
    "Poor baby,” she teased. “Why don't you go lay down on the bed? I’ll tidy up the place and make us some dinner.”
    “Didn’t we just spend all afternoon tidying up? Not to mention I already told you I hired a cleaning service”
    Sherry shrugged. “I like to go over everything one more time.”
    Roberto chuckled. “Women. If you insist.” He stood up, stretched, then headed off to the bedroom to sleep.
    Several hours later, he woke to the aroma of chicken alfredo, his mouth watering. Hungry enough to eat an elephant, he made his way over to the kitchen to see Sherry setting dinner out, looking adorable in a large “Kiss the Cook” apron. Oh, he certainly wanted to kiss her. His cock hardened again at the thought, and he almost laughed. How could such a domestic

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