Resistance: A Prepper's War

Free Resistance: A Prepper's War by BJ Knights

Book: Resistance: A Prepper's War by BJ Knights Read Free Book Online
Authors: BJ Knights
to rearrange three years of work, but even still it wasn’t a setback that we couldn’t handle.”
    Samantha remained quiet as she kept her eyes focused on the passing buildings outside the car window. She was tired of fighting. She was tired of feeling like she wasn’t safe. She was tired of being frightened for her daughter. Whatever it was that Matt had done with his life outside of his family was now eroding away the love that she had for him. Ten years were washing away from her mind the further the car drove.
    “I told him not to marry you,” Chase said out of the blue and changing topics. “He thought it would be good for appearances. Marrying a police woman, an army reservist and the daughter of a careered military officer would allow him to fly below the radar.”
    “So, why did you tell him not to?” she asked. “It sounds like it was going to help you a great deal.”
    “Yes,” he replied, “But I knew it was always going to end badly for you.” He kept his eyes in front of him as Samantha finally turned to look at him.
    “Why are you doing all of this?” she asked exasperated.
    Chase smiled. “The world we live in has become bloated. There are too many people clawing for scraps. I’m pressing the reset button, but in order for me to do that I have to get rid of those that would oppose me. Right now there are over a quarter million troops stationed in San Diego. That combined with a few other large groups in Texas and Washington D.C. I’ll be able to cripple the largest military power in the world. Once that’s done I’ll have my political connections start passing amendments to restructure the military and I’ll be the one selecting those put into power. After that it won’t be America’s military. It will be mine. From there I’ll be able to pick off the rest of the weak and this country will be twice as strong it was before.”
    When they arrived at the plant Samantha demanded to see her daughter. Chase granted her wish and took her to see Annie. The plant was massive. Samantha gazed around at the machines diligently working, mixing different chemical agents and packaging them into pallets that were being transported out of the facility.
    “VX gas,” Chase explained when he saw Samantha looking around the plant. “It’s a nerve gas. It breaks down a person’s muscle control and causes convulsion and paralysis. Nasty stuff.”
    Chase brought Samantha up to the executive offices where Annie was being kept. When he opened the door and Samantha saw her daughter they both ran towards each other.
    “Mommy!” Annie screamed. Samantha scooped her up into her arms and held on tight. She put her daughter down and held her small face in her hands. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” she asked.
    “I’m got scared and tried to hide, but they found me,” Annie said.
    Samantha smiled as she brought her daughter in close and hugged her again. “I love you,” she whispered.
    “I love you too, Mommy,” Annie whispered back.
    Chase nodded over to one of his guards and he walked over to peel Annie off of her. Samantha screamed and Annie started to cry. The guard pulled out a knife and put it to Annie’s throat. Chase’s henchman kept the blade close. Just one slip and she’d be gone.
    “Please,” Samantha pleaded. She dropped to her knees. “Please, don’t hurt her.” Her voice was shaking. Her face was distorted with pain, fear, and hopelessness as she looked on helplessly. “I’ll do anything. Just don’t hurt her.”
    Chase walked up from behind and stood between Samantha and Annie. “You see?” he asked. “You are at my mercy. You have nothing to offer me. Absolutely nothing. I’m the one who has what you want. If you want to see it again you’ll do everything I ask.”
    Samantha’s whole body started to convulse as she put her face in her hands. She nodded with her hands covering her face and then she

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