The Mystic Paradigm: An Evolutionary Novel

Free The Mystic Paradigm: An Evolutionary Novel by Brian M. Heater

Book: The Mystic Paradigm: An Evolutionary Novel by Brian M. Heater Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian M. Heater
peace and harmony.”
    Jasmine added. “Joshua, we need you to help us find out what happened.”
    Joshua looked at the others around the Council chamber. All eyes were focused on him. He did not seek the attention nor want it. He answered quickly. “And how will I do this?”
    Jasmine held out her hand and placed it gently on his shoulder. “Leave that up to us, my friend. We will need your trust. This won’t be an easy task. In a short time we will let you know our plan. For now we will seek counsel and find our center through prayer and meditation. Can we call for you in a few days’ time? Are you agreeable to this?” They waited patiently for his answer, giving him time to soak in their request.
    Joshua got up from his seat and looked up at the ceiling. He was stressed about the responsibility, but knew he had no choice. He was very apprehensive to agree since he did not know what he would be asked to do. Still, he knew it was his duty to help the seers. They were his family and the spiritual protectors of society. He knew what he needed to do. Joshua bowed to Jasmine, Helena and the others in deep respect. He was visibly shaken, but answered in a calm tone. “I will help as I can. I will await your call.”
    Jasmine smiled at him and returned the bow. “Thank you, dear Joshua.”
    Helena and the Council rose from their seats to honor Joshua and his coming. They knew it had not been easy returning to this place under the circumstances. “Blessings be to you, our friend and son of the Light, Joshua Herata.”

Chapter 11

Discussion at the

Collective Farm
    Joshua returned to the Rising Sun Farm and rested for several days. He was exhausted after the visit to the University and the Council. The others knew he had been to the University to visit the Mystic Council, so they gave him time to recover. He was visibly shaken from the experience and did not talk to many on the farm. He felt moody, at times angry, so he kept mostly quiet with his energies focused inward.
    Joshua came to Rising Sun Farm to contribute, but also to heal in the quietness of the country. To grow the food, work always had to be done on the collective farm, but everyone had time for other interests as well. If someone needed a break, others would fill in. A shorter work schedule compared with that of the past allowed everyone to pursue other interests and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding area as well. Most people worked only 20 hours weekly, which made up the normal working week in most collective situations. Some people worked more hours if they desired, but many took time to pursue other interests. Education was ongoing and people always had the opportunity to take classes on a variety of subjects. Society advocated lifelong education. Because basic needs were met and people had time to pursue deeper interests, their society had advanced to a new level of understanding and sensitivity.
    Joshua enjoyed his work on the farm, but he also enjoyed this extra time in the beautiful open country. He meditated and used the time to walk the farm and surrounding countryside. The lush valley, forested hills and beautiful meandering river gave him a sense of peace. He had met many new friends since joining the farm a year ago, but one in particular had caught his attention: Jonathan.
    Jonathan was an intense listener, something that Joshua needed in his life. Jonathan allowed Joshua the quiet time he required and was there to share and listen. Jonathan was one of those special people who made you feel comfortable sharing your inner thoughts. His intense blue eyes calmed Joshua after his unsettling dreams. Joshua had never loved a person the way he loved Jonathan. There were no expectations; their relationship was based on nurturing one another’s spiritual growth.
    Joshua was overjoyed to have met a person like this. In their society people focused more on the spiritual aspect of partnerships than in the past. It was just what Joshua needed in his

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