Hot Blooded Episode 1: The Prodigal Prince (Supernatural Thriller Series)
eyelids were drooping, and his dark skin took on a color as green as the ocean.  He reeked of hard liquor.  Despite the attempt to steady himself against the doorway with his hands, his body still swayed from side to side with the tide. 
    Latrib laughed.  “Oh yeah, you’re a real lady killer, all right.  I’m pretty sure that even prostitutes run in the other direction when you show your ugly mug.”
    “Shut the fuck up, sailor.”  Kilar groaned, resting one had against his open door to keep from toppling over.  “You and your fucking all-male crew.  It’s probably a miracle that junior here was ever even born.”  He caught Tetslen staring at him.  “And just what the fuck are you looking at?” 
    “An obnoxious drunk,” Tetslen said.
    Kilar staggered to the side rail of the ship and leaned against the sturdy poles that were as tall as young trees, yet twice as wide.  He steadied himself against them.  “I’m not fucking drunk.  The sea always does this to me.”  The feeling of the ship swaying to the rhythmic tide was almost too much for his stomach to take.  A fish that was larger than he was came writhing out of the water, attached to the line of a fisherman who was sitting on the rail. 
    “Damn, that’s a big one, Merkavo,” the bearded fisherman next to him said, patting him on the back.  “We’re gonna be eating like royalty tonight!”  The successful fisherman grinned, but Kilar noticed the swift glance that came in his direction. 
    Kilar turned up his nose at the fresh catch.  “Fuck me alive, that is the most horrible shit I’ve ever smelled in my entire life.”  He leaned over the boat in case he threw up, but this only put him into closer contact with the waters that were nudging the side of the boat.  He gagged.  “Actually, I take that back.  Comparing this to the smell of shit does a great injustice to feces everywhere.  If I had eaten any food in the past few days, I would shit myself senseless until I couldn’t smell this abominable stench anymore.”
    “Thank all that is holy you aren’t obligated to eat any of it,” Latrib said.  “What brings you on deck anyway, Kilar?  I thought you hated the sight of the ocean during the day.”
    “The sights, the sounds, the smells...  Yep, pretty much hate everything about it.  Doesn’t really matter if it’s day or night.  Although, it is worse to think that the sun has to subject itself to such sights.  Thank Rekanii Mount Rii isn’t anywhere close to this contaminated filth.”  Kilar spat at the water.  “But I’m serious about the smell of those Rekanii-awful fish.  Fuck, I could smell them even after I poured booze all over the floor in my room.  Nothing helps.  I just came out here to blow a few of them to pieces to cheer myself up.  The smell of those damn demon spawn is just too fucking depressing.”  His black eyes scanned the surface of the ocean for any signs of life.
    Tetslen grit his teeth.  “Those ‘demon spawn’ are what nourishes and sustains this crew.  We’ve dealt with your rants every time you’ve stayed on this ship, but you’re going too far by destroying our main source of food.  Now we find ourselves with a shortage, when there would be more than plenty for everyone if it weren’t for you!”
    Kilar spun around, his mouth wrenched open and his eyes narrowing up at Tetslen.  Despite the fact that Tetslen was a full-grown giant and Kilar was little taller than the average human, Kilar somehow still seemed to tower over him.  “You little ingrate!  Don’t forget whose land you’re on, fish-eater!  This is fire giant territory!”
    “Hold on a minute,” Latrib said.  He stood in between Kilar and his son with his hands outstretched.  Kilar’s neck craned back to look him in the eyes, not bothering to shield his eyesight from the bright light of the late morning sun. 
    Latrib took a deep breath. 

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