
Free Irresistible by MacKenzie McKade

Book: Irresistible by MacKenzie McKade Read Free Book Online
Authors: MacKenzie McKade
    With a big grin on her face, Sydney stood looking out at the airplanes taxiing along the runway. Her warm palm pressed against the cold window left a foggy outline of her fingers when she lowered her arm. Happiness rose inside her like effervescent bubbles in champagne.
    She loved Sean—and he loved her.
    “You look like the cat that ate the canary.” Cameron sidled up beside her, grasping her hand and squeezing, before she released her. “I still can’t believe you and Sean are a couple—engaged.”
    In all honesty neither could Sydney. She rubbed her palms down her jeans, before pulling the hem of her sweater down.
    The night before last had been a dream come true. After she had agreed to marry Sean, he made love to her not only until his strength was gone, but hers as well. Yesterday they had once again forgone skiing. Instead they had lain naked before the fire, Sean learning her body and her exploring his.
    Surprisingly, he had ticklish feet. But the most intriguing discoveries were the crease between his thighs and groin, as well as his perineum, which were hot, erogenous zones. After their last sexcapade, they had fallen asleep still joined together.
    A sigh pushed from her lips. The sweet sound of contentment drew Cameron’s sharp gaze.
    “So have you thought about how you’ll tell Mom?”
    The complacency she felt only a moment ago disappeared in a flash. “No.”
    How would the woman who had taken Sydney into her home, her family, take the news? Would she welcome the union or feel betrayed for introducing Sydney into the mix? An invisible weight pressed hard against her chest, but before she could reflect further, Cameron continued.
    “What about the possibility you could be pregnant? You know I wouldn’t mind becoming an aunt, but I completely understand if this isn’t the right time.”
    Sydney’s thoughts began to swim. “Sean wants to wait and see what the outcome is.” Everything was happening so quickly. He wanted her to move into his place as soon as they landed, and he looked forward to raising a family with her, immediately.
    “And you?”
    “Scared. Excited.” She shrugged. “Mostly scared.” What did she know about raising a child, or for that matter, being a wife?
    Her sister chuckled, giving Sydney a little hug. “Can’t say I don’t blame you.”
    “Cameron, do you think that with the right people, you could run Duncan Publishing without Sean?”
    Big blue eyes grew even larger. “You guys aren’t thinking of leaving New Jersey?” Shock as well as a hint of fear rose in Cameron’s high-pitched tone.
    “No. No!” Sydney repeated firmly. “I want Sean to pursue his engineering career. It’s what he really wants to do. I thought that maybe you—we—could run the house.” She shrugged, breaking eye connection. “Never mind. It was a stupid idea. I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”
    Another airplane sped down the runway. As they watched the craft lift into the air, reaching for the clouds, silence stretched between them.
    “You really love him, don’t you?”
    Chills raced across Sydney’s arms as she faced Cameron. “Yes.” I’ve loved him forever .
    “I can’t believe I didn’t see this relationship building. Since you moved in with us, it appeared you two hated each other.”
    “What can I say? Guess there is some truth in the old adage that there’s a thin line between love and hate. At times he makes me so mad I could chew nails. And other times…” Her voice softened as thoughts of last night’s loving touched her. With each of his passionate kisses, strokes, her body heated. “He makes me feel like the luckiest woman on earth.”
    “Who’s the luckiest woman on earth?” Sean’s deep voice put a smile back on Sydney’s face. He wore the same huge grin.
    Eying him from head to toe, she slowly slid her tongue between her lips. The man could fill out a pair of jeans like no other. What she would give to run her palms beneath his thin sweater

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