Silver Stake (The Werewolf Hunter Chronicles Book 1)

Free Silver Stake (The Werewolf Hunter Chronicles Book 1) by M.D. Bowden

Book: Silver Stake (The Werewolf Hunter Chronicles Book 1) by M.D. Bowden Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.D. Bowden
into the woman’s neck.
    The atmosphere changed from that of a party to chaos.  People pushed back towards the doors.  Screams echoed around the church.  The weight of the crowd pushing back took Isabelle’s breath away and she started to see stars. 
    Outside Maya, Cole, Kate and Ollie, all wearing long dark cloaks, ran up to the front doors of the church.  They could hear screams coming from beyond the walls.  The main door, a large thing made of old wooden panels, was closed.  Maya shook the iron catch.
    “It appears to be locked,” she said.
    “Bother!  We didn’t make it in time,” said Cole, as one scream turned to a gargle and then was cut off.
    “Well, we better still try!  It sounds like there are lots of people who still need our help,” said Ollie.
    “Including Will,” said Kate.
    “Of course we will still try,” said Maya.
    “Can you kick the door in?” asked Ollie.
    “I don’t think so, it looks too strong, and anyway, if we just go bashing in it will ruin our advantage.  Which, in case you hadn’t figured, is surprise .  Have a look around and try and find another way in.  I’ll climb up and get in through a window.”
    “Let—,” said Cole.
    “Just a sec,” said Maya.  “Have these.”  She passed a silver stake to Ollie and gave Kate a silver cross to hang around her neck.  “The silver burns them,” she said.
    Kate nodded.  She looked pale.
    Maya noticed Cole had his own bag of goodies to help them out, including a large silver cross hanging from his own neck.  He opened his coat and showed her that he also had a stake.
    “Good.  Focus on finding a way to get everyone out.  Don’t go too far in, and don’t go looking for Will or this Lord Alpha.  That’s my job.  Stay safe.”
    She quickly hugged them all.
    “Good luck,” said Cole, and the three of them ran off, leaving Maya on her own.
    They found a door around the side and shook it.  “This isn’t good,” said Kate, moving restlessly.
    “We need to save Will,” said Ollie.
    “Don’t worry,” said Cole.  “This one I can pick.  But first have these.”  He passed them a load of water bombs.  “Stash those in your pockets.”
    Ollie and Kate raised their eyebrows.
    “Holy water.”
    “But Maya said she didn’t know about holy water, and th-the church—surely—”
    Cole shrugged.  “Trust me.  That water could save your life.”
    On the altar The Lord Alpha could feel the blood fortifying him.  Each drop made him stronger. Power was starting to buzz in his veins.  He felt like this was his true re-birth, as each victim gave him the energy of life.
    He held up his hand and summoned one of his followers.
    “My strength is returning.  I am nearly ready.  Is the sacrifice prepared?”
    “Yes, Lord Alpha,” he said, amidst shrieks of pain and fear from the crowd.
    Will struggled in his chair close by.  He closed his eyes and used his strength to fight the ropes binding him.
    “Another victim first.”  The Lord Alpha’s eyes scanned the crowd and he spotted a pretty girl with platinum blonde hair.  “That one will do.”
    Maya scaled the wall and smashed a small window at the back of the church.  She brushed aside jagged blades of glass and climbed through.  She found herself in a small room filled with shelves of dusty books.  She heard a scream and quickly opened the door, and before her there was mayhem.  She scanned the crowd and up on the altar she spotted The Lord Alpha.
    “God, he’s grotesque,” she muttered.
    A girl was thrust towards him.  She squealed and Maya recognised her.  Isabelle.  Her mouth was open wide as The Lord Alpha spread his fingers and ran them affectionately over her face.  She screamed as The Lord Alpha’s face got closer to her neck.
    Maya looked around and identified the nearest cloaked werewolf.  She stabbed him in the back, and before he could dissolve in a big sizzle she threw him high.  He came to a thud, at The

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