Sharon Poppen

Free Sharon Poppen by Hannah

Book: Sharon Poppen by Hannah Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hannah
her legs. “The tears inside my body from objects they –
    Liam jumped from his chair and crushed her in a tight embrace. “Hannah,” he whispered into her hair. Her body quivered and she sighed a mournful sob against his chest. The tears came. And came. And came. Liam held her against his chest and continued to whisper softly into her hair. “It’s all right. Cry, Hannah. Just cry.”
    Eventually, Liam realized that she wasn’t going to stop. This was months of pent-up and denied agony, grief and loss. He carried her to the bed. Still holding her, he maneuvered himself down holding her snuggly against his side, her head on his chest. He knew she was somewhere else mentally, but he’d give her the warmth of a physical embrace. Even when she fell asleep, an occasional sob wracked her body. He held her close as he worked some things out in his own mind.
    At first, he could think of nothing beyond the rage that stoked his disgust at the animals who had hurt this woman. But as the night wore on, Liam’s inner strength began to reduce the fire of his rage to smolder images. His sense of compassion brought tears to his eyes as his common sense advised him to wish this woman well, leave her to her plans and continue on to Aunt Emiliana’s with his brothers. He stroked her hair and finally admitted to himself that he could not leave her.
    “Rest easy,” he whispered. “I’ll not leave. I’ll be right here. Forever, if you’ll have me.” He continued to hold her close feeling her breathe against his skin. “I love you, Hannah.”
    Shortly after dawn, he slipped from the bed, pulled a light blanket over Hannah and left the hotel room. His brother Frank opened the door to the adjoining room at Liam’s light rap.
    “Find Hannah?” Frank asked.
    Liam nodded. “She’s asleep.”
    Touching Liam’s wrinkled shirt, Frank smiled and arched his brow. “Rough night.”
    Liam brushed away Frank’s hand as he walked over to watch his brother Daniel finish changing the baby’s diaper.
    Daniel looked up. “Frank won’t do this, so don’t make sport of me.”
    Liam touched his brother’s arm. “You’re a good man, Daniel.”
    This brought a look from both brothers. “What does that mean?” asked Frank.
    “You know me too well.”
    Daniel had finished with the baby and put it in its milk crate crib. He turned and accused. “You’re not going with us to Aunt Emiliana’s place, are you?”
    “Damn,” muttered Frank. “You’re going to help that girl do whatever it is that she has a notion to do.”
    “I found out some things last night. I have no choice.”
    “Want to tell us what you found out?”
    “Frank, some things can’t be repeated. Please, I need your trust, your support.”
    Frank struggled for something to say. He glanced at Daniel, who shrugged his shoulders.
    “Guess Liam needs to do this thing, Frank.”
    Liam smiled his gratitude to his youngest brother.
    Frank turned to the baby and then back to Liam. “Well, I have a startling notion, too. That baby needs a woman. Are you taking it with you, with Hannah, as the two of you pursue her strange notions?”
    Daniel stepped in. “Frank, we’ll take the baby to Aunt Emiliana’s. It’s only a half days ride from here.” He turned to Liam. “Take care of yourself.” They shared a brief hug. “We’ll see you, soon.”
    Liam smiled and turned to Frank.
    “We can’t help you?” asked Frank.
    “Not this time,” said Liam.
    Frank nodded, they embraced and Liam left.
    Hannah was still asleep when Liam eased back onto the bed. Decision having been made, he tried to sleep, but thoughts of where his journey with Hannah might take him began to generate questions. He knew they’d do some tracking and planning. Then, what would they do when they found this Drake and the others? They’d have to get the law involved, but would Hannah do this? What if she wanted to kill them herself? The thought made him shudder as

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