
Free Masquerade by Nicole Flockton

Book: Masquerade by Nicole Flockton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Flockton
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
not like I can really talk, either.”
    Alex looked at his clothes and saw his were in a similar condition. With a wry grin, he held the door open for her. He gave the cab driver the address for Sophie’s building and sank back into the seat. Exhaustion fed his muscles and he could see fatigue had claimed Sophie. He slid over until he sat in the center seat. He slung his arm around her shoulders and gave a gentle push so she fell against his shoulder.
    He closed his eyes and savored the moment. He never thought he would be able to hold Sophie in his arms again. After their night together, he’d consigned the yearnings of trying to find her to the depths of his soul.
    He had to remember the vow he’d made to himself after his marriage collapsed. A relationship would never work with the hours he committed to his job.
    But Sophie is a nurse. She’d understand.
    He tried to ignore the little voice, but the words were true. If anyone could understand the hours of a doctor, it was a nurse. Eventually, though, she’d probably get tired of him being called out at all hours. What if something happened to Sophie and he wasn’t there? It had happened once before, it could happen again.
    The cab stopping roused him from his thoughts. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, being careful not to disturb Sophie. But it was clear her years as a nurse made her a light sleeper — his slight movement had her scrambling to sit up straight and reaching for the door handle.
    “Oh, Alex, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep and lie all over you.”
    He followed her out and shut the door. “It’s fine. You looked uncomfortable so I tried to make it a little better for you. Believe me when I say it was no hardship.”
    Color flooded her cheeks and he had to stop himself from chuckling softly. He found her blushes extremely attractive.
    They stood for countless seconds just looking at each other. Thoughts flitted across her mind and he wondered what she was thinking so seriously about. He saw the moment she made her decision.
    “Do you want to come up for a coffee?”

Chapter 5
    For a brief second, Sophie wanted to snatch the words back, but she then realized she did want Alex to come up to her apartment. Although it was late and she had an early start, deep down she wanted the night to continue.
    “Sounds like the perfect way to end the evening.”
    Happiness warred with apprehension as she made her way to the complex door. She was glad Alex had accepted her invitation, but would he expect more than just coffee? Especially after their last encounter?
    She keyed in the afterhours password. The foyer lights were muted and Cliff’s desk was unattended.
    “Security is really tight in this building,” commented Alex, as they waited for the elevator.
    “Yes, it’s one of the reasons I chose to live here. Another one was the close proximity to the city and the hospital.”
    “You mean you didn’t choose it for the view?” His words were teasing and she appreciated his humor.
    “Well,” she laughed and gave a slight shrug of her shoulders, “I can’t lie — the view was a factor, too.”
    The elevator arrived and she stepped in and pressed the button for her floor. She was conscious of the close confines of the small area. The last time she had traveled in an elevator with Alex had been the night they’d met. The tension surrounding them that night was completely different to the one surrounding them now.
    “I’ve no expectations tonight, Sophie.”
    Sophie was saved from having to make a reply as the doors opened on her floor. She quickly stepped out and made her way to her apartment. He was always so in tune with what she was thinking. Were her feelings written all over her face? Or had their night together created a connection between them that couldn’t be broken? But if that were true, why couldn’t she feel or see what Alex was thinking? Perhaps it was better that she didn’t. She had to try to

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