Jared: Mating Fever (Rocked by the Bear Book 5)
commit the vision to memory.
    My pencil scratches lightly against my canvas as I sketch out my next painting of Jared. It’s the third one in a series I plan to present to a local gallery in hopes of securing a show. Becoming a werebear has heightened my ability to see color and the nuances of light in a way that fuels me to a near-manic state. My creativity is flowing like water right now, and if Jared didn’t force me to stop, I fear I’d stay up for days without sleep to paint.
    We heard from Jax a couple days after he and Sasha left, and while he didn’t say they’re lost in true-mate bliss, I have faith their love will find a way. The music stops, and I glance at Jared. He says, “Lunch. Can you take a break?”
    I nod and set my pencil down. “My muse needs to eat, so I’ll let him.”
    He rises and holds out his hand as he says, “What if I told you I plan to make something with bacon?”
    I grip his strong fingers and let him pull me up. “I’d say I’ve got the perfect mate.”
    The grass is soft under my sandaled feet as we walk toward the house, and I glance over at the tree where I discovered Sasha. I recall how neither Jared nor I could kill her, even though we both knew that was what we were supposed to do. I had thought my bear side taking over would erase my humanity, but I realize now that the human I was is still very much intact. I still struggle with belonging to a species that has decided humans are its enemy. And while Jared assures me it’s only a small population, I have trouble accepting the blind hate on both sides.
    But I don’t regret becoming a werebear. My destiny seems to be evolving, and I think I’m only beginning to realize it. While I have no idea where I’ll be led, I’m confident the reasons are just. My new state has enriched my life with physical abilities that make me nimble and strong, while my creative side is experiencing a renaissance that energizes my spirit.
    The door to the house swishes when Jared opens it, and I step into the place that has become my home. In just a few short days, my mate and I have fallen into a routine that reminds me of an old married couple. Plates clash as I remove them from the cabinet, and a knife taps steadily as Jared slices tomatoes for our meal. We move about the kitchen as if we’ve been doing it for decades.
    The cabinet door clicks when I open it for water glasses. Jared brings our lunch to the table as I carry our drinks, and when we sit, a vision pops into my head. I’m sitting on a bench at a park, and the tinkle of little girls’ laughter sounds as I watch my mate push two swings that contain what appear to be twins. The chains squeak steadily over metal as he sings a childish song, and I close my eyes while I hug myself as if I can hold the image of my future family in my heart.
    Jared asks, “What did you just see? Because I guess it’s wonderful by the way you’re smiling.”
    I say, “It is.” My stomach gurgles, and I reach down to place my hand on my belly as I wonder if I’m pregnant. Sometimes my visions let me change what’s about to happen, and sometimes they let me glimpse a slice of my life to come. I reach my hand out for Jared and say, “Each day with you reminds me that life is a blessing to be cherished.”
    “Each day I’m alive I remember how I wouldn’t be here without you, Courtney.”
    “You saved me too.” I reach over for his hand and thread my fingers through his. It reminds me of how our lives are so intertwined that I can’t imagine one of us without the other. I picture our happy family and know that two girls are going to grow up in the warmth of so much love. I say, “Destiny put you in my path, and while I was afraid becoming like you would take away the things I value most, I’ve come to realize it makes them more.”
    My mate lifts my hand to kiss it and says, “And you’ve made me see what matters most. I love you, my true mate, for making me whole.”
    “Yes.” I lean

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