Kaavl Conspiracy

Free Kaavl Conspiracy by Jennette Green

Book: Kaavl Conspiracy by Jennette Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennette Green
    His face an alarming purple shade, Liem glared at Petr. “Well? Are you going to stand there? Arrest my son’s murderer!”
    “What’s happening?” Erl appeared.
    With relief, Methusal turned to him. “Papa…”
    “I found the murder weapon,” Liem interjected. “Your daughter is going to jail.”
    “But I didn’t kill Renn.” Methusal was near tears. “I would never do such a thing.”
    “Not by yourself,” Petr agreed grimly. “I believe that. You had help. Tell me who’s behind this whole plot, and I might go easier on you.”
    Liem’s eyes narrowed.
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m innocent,” she protested.
    “Let me see that knife.” Erl pushed forward and carefully inspected the weapon. “Matron Olgith, is this one of your kitchen knives?”
    Matron Olgith shuffled forward. Her gaze shifted suspiciously between Methusal and the blade. She only got close enough to give it a quick peek, and then quickly backed away. “It is. Methusal had access to it.”
    “So does everyone else in Rolban,” Methusal snapped in frustration. “They’re stored in plain sight.”
    “A bloody knife proves nothing, Liem.” Erl’s voice was gentle.
    “It proves my son was murdered!”
    “Maybe so. But it doesn’t prove Methusal did it.”
    “The note proves she went to the bluff!”
    “Methusal says she never received it. I believe her. An equally logical theory is that the true murderer planted the note in her room. That way she’d look guilty.”
    With gratitude, Methusal glanced at her father.
    “Your theory is a day’s run from reason,” Liem bit out. “Face facts, Erl. Your daughter murdered my son. I want her in jail. Now!”
    Erl sent Petr a look. The bigger man shuffled his feet and cleared his throat.
    “Erl’s right. We need more proof.”
    Liem’s face flushed even darker.
    Petr turned to Methusal. “The proof is piling up. This won’t go away.”
    “I’m innocent, and I’ll prove it.”
    With shaking hands, Liem gathered up the knife again. “I’ll prove you murdered my son. This is not the end. I’ll prove that .” He strode from the room.
    Methusal drew a shaky breath.
    Deccia hugged her. “Are you all right?”
    “No. It’s only a matter of time before Petr throws me in jail.”
    “I’ll help you find Renn’s killer. Just tell me what I can do.”
    * * * * *
    Two cauldrons of goop later, Methusal’s arm ached from ladling. She carried her bowl of cold, pasty cereal to a table where Aali sat with Behran and Timaeus. Deccia hesitantly sat down too. After a quick glance at Timaeus, her lashes swept down against her cheeks.
    “Are you all right?” Behran asked Methusal. His faint frown actually appeared concerned.
    “I’ll be fine, thanks,” she mumbled. Actually, she was a complete mess, but she didn’t want to say so. “After I talk to Kitran, I’ll investigate the cliff. Maybe I’ll find something else Petr missed.”
    One blond brow flicked up. “Really? I thought you were confined indoors.”
    Methusal ignored this technicality and turned to Timaeus. “Did you just get back from a trip? I don’t think I’ve seen you for a few days.” She asked this because her sister would not. She also knew that Deccia had been pining to see Timaeus during the entire week he’d been gone.
    His white teeth flashed in a grin. “I went to Dehre and then Aestoff.” Aestoff was a three day’s run from Rolban.
    “How are things in Dehre?” Behran wanted to know. “Any better?”
    “No. They’re starving, except for wild beast meat. The good news is, the beasts finally stopped raiding the town at night.”
    “They’re hungry, but the Dehriens are hungrier.” Timaeus offered a wry smile. “You know the Dehriens, Behran. They’re fearless. Lately they’ve been pitting one man to a beast, just for sport. The beasts are wary now, so they circle outside the town at night, waiting for children to stray.”

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