Marrying The Cowboy: A BWWM Cowboy Billionaire Romance

Free Marrying The Cowboy: A BWWM Cowboy Billionaire Romance by BWWM Club, Esther Banks

Book: Marrying The Cowboy: A BWWM Cowboy Billionaire Romance by BWWM Club, Esther Banks Read Free Book Online
Authors: BWWM Club, Esther Banks
everyone continued
the friendly conversation. As the meal came to a close, Kate was
grateful that their parents were all getting along. She had not known
what to expect, but she knew she wanted nothing more than an easy
going night.
    "If we could all go to the living room, I have a little dessert
and coffee. And Bruce and I wanted to share something with you all."
    The older couples gave each other a glance, then got up from their
seats to follow Kate in to the living room.
    Once seated and comfortable, Kate told them that she would be right
back. She went to her room to get her wedding ring. She had not had
it on the entire dinner because she thought it best they break the
news to their parents on their own accord, not because someone saw
the ring on her finger.
    She met with Bruce in the kitchen and helped him put the plates with
the caked on a tray.
    He was grinning. "Are you ready for this?"
    "We can't turn back now. Let's get in there."
    Bruce followed behind her as they entered the living room. Setting
the tray on the table, Bruce then began to serve the cake and Kate
poured the coffee. She could not believe that no one had seen her
    Bruce and Kate stood there in front of their parents. Kate was hoping
Bruce would speak first. But she knew if she did, he would simply
blurt out the facts, versus breaking it to their parents slowly and
    She started talking. "So as you all know, Bruce and I have been
dating for about a year now. We are happy, in love, and plan to be
together forever."
    When Kate looked around, all eyes were on her. But she saw as Bruce's
mother's eyes zeroed in on her hand. She had seen the ring. Mrs.
Stanger looked from Kate to Bruce.
    Kate wanted to finish her statement before Mrs. Stanger, or Bruce
blurted anything out.
    "We got married in Paris." Too late. Bruce beat her to it.
    The room was silent initially.
    Mrs. Walker was the first to speak. "Married." It was more
a comment than a question.
    Kate flexed her fingers and showed the ring. "Married."
    Mr. Stanger bolted outright out of his seat. "Well, son, we
thought this would be the next step. Congratulations."
    Kate could not decide if the look on Mrs. Stanger's face was one of
confusion, anger, or sheer surprise. She looked to her own mother who
sat stoically, while her father rubbed his temples and sighed.
    "Thanks, Pop. I appreciate it." Bruce hugged his father.
Mr. Stanger turned and hugged Kate, who was happy to have some kind
of response from someone.
    "Is everyone just going to sit there? These two have gotten
married. They love each other and have made it official. That should
be something to brag about." Mr. Stanger stood in the middle of
the floor, throwing his arms in the air in disbelief.
    Kate looked over to her parents, waiting for them to say anything.
Bruce pulled Kate closer to him.
    "I love this woman," Bruce began to confess. "She is
the single most important thing in my life. I could not wait to marry
her and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make her happy."
    Mr. Walker stood up. Kate braced herself for what would happen next.
He extended his hand to Bruce first.
    "Then I guess congratulations is in order."
    Bruce received the handshake. Mr. Walker then
turned to shake Mr. Stanger's hand.
    "Welcome to the family," Mr. Stanger said to Kate's father.
The men then looked to the women.
    "So does this mean that we aren't having a wedding?" Mrs.
Walker questioned.
    "We planned to have a ceremony here very soon with our friends
and family."
    "Please forgive me," Mrs. Stanger jumped in to the
conversation. "You know how us womenfolk are about weddings and
brides. It just felt like, for a moment, that we would not be allowed
to be a part of such an important time in our children's lives."
    Mrs. Walker nodded in agreement.
    "I assure you both, we will have the whole ceremony."
    Tears came to Mrs. Stanger's eyes. She pulled a tissue from her purse
to dab at them. "What happened? When did you propose? When did

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