Pieces (Riverdale #1)

Free Pieces (Riverdale #1) by Janine Infante Bosco

Book: Pieces (Riverdale #1) by Janine Infante Bosco Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janine Infante Bosco
“What’re you two doing here anyway?”
          “Obviously interrupting your mission to
get ‘lucky’,” Jake said, but his eyes didn’t leave Cara.
          Nick slid onto the bar stool next to Sam
and smiled at her. “Are you looking to get lucky, Sam?” He said his voice all
silky and husky.
          “Not by the likes of you.” She said,
rolling her eyes. She glanced at Cara. “Cara, can I get another shot please?”
          Cara broke her stare off with Jake and
glanced at her. Sam eyed her curiously, but mouthed ‘I’m sorry.’ Cara let out a
shaky breath as she poured the shot. Her hands were shaking, and she got more
liquor on the bar than in the glass. She quickly wiped it up with the rag that
she kept tucked into the back pocket of her midriff baring jeans.   She didn’t dare lift her head as she spoke.
“Can I get you guys anything?”
          “I’ll take a beer.” Nick spoke up, as he
draped his arm around the back of Sam’s stool. “Actually, Cara, I came by to
talk to Rudy about the apartment upstairs.”
          Sam groaned, and pried his fingers from
the back of her stool, shooing him away like he was a fly. Cara found comfort
that she was just as miserable as she; after all, this was all Sam’s fault.
Yep, that was her story and she was sticking with it.
          She lifted down the tap, and watched the
mug fill up. Once the froth threatened to spill over she lifted the tap. “Rudy
won’t be in for another hour, mind sticking around?”
          Sam shot her a look, that if looks could
kill, Cara would surely be six feet under with daisies sprouting over her
grave. Cara feeling the effects of her two shots took a chance and glanced at
Jake. “What about you?”
          “What about me?” He bit back.
          “Do you want a drink?” She asked, not
liking the attitude he was giving her. “Or did you just come to hold Nick’s
          Nick cleared his throat, obviously trying
to break the tension between them. “I can hang around for a bit. Jake, do a
shot with me.”
          Jake nodded curtly and took a seat. “Hope
we’re not ruining your night.” He looked over at his sister and Cara was never
so happy to have those blue eyes off of hers. She poured their shots and
watched them disappear down their throats.
          “Actually, you are. Cara and I were having
a private conversation before you parked your ass in the middle of it, and
brought him along for the ride.” She said, pointing towards Nick.
          “I’m going to get a big head with all the
flattery you’re throwing my way, sweetheart.” Nick said sarcastically and
chugged his beer.
          “Don’t call me that.” She spat.
          Nick rolled his eyes and nudged Jake with
his elbow.   “Why don’t we play a game of
pool? I don’t think I can take all the love and affection your sister is
          Jake gave Cara a long, lingering look,
before nodding towards Nick. “Yeah, let’s do that.”
    Sam waved
goodbye as they stood and sauntered over to the pool table. Cara watched Jake
walk away from her, like she was the devils spawn.
          “Who the hell does he think he is?”
          “I know right! He thinks I’m still in love
with his ass and he can just play with me.” Sam said as she slapped her hand on
the bar, outraged. Cara looked at her confused, and then realized she thought
she had been referring to Nick.
          “I was referring to your brother.” She
said as she poured herself a beer. Apparently she was getting sloshed at work.
          Sam’s eyebrows furrowed. “Oh, well, I
guess he was being a jackass too.”
          “You know what you’re right. I need to
have some fun and I am going to do just that.”
    Cara looked
over at her fellow bartender. “Tom, I’m taking my break.” Not waiting for him
to reply, she lifted the arm of the bar and stepped out from

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