Unfit to Practice

Free Unfit to Practice by Perri O'Shaughnessy

Book: Unfit to Practice by Perri O'Shaughnessy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Perri O'Shaughnessy
had stayed hidden in Kevin's file, existing only in Nina's scribbled notes on yellow legal paper.
    Now Nina put a hand on the cold granite rock and told Kevin that Alexandra Peck had been discovered.
    “Of course we can object to the late notice,” she said. “But Kevin, suddenly the case is complicated. The recommendations might change.”
    His latest cigarette had burned down his finger. He dropped it.
    “There's more.” Steeling herself, Nina told him her Bronco had been stolen the night before and that his file had been inside it. “It's possible—I mean, we have to consider whether whoever took my truck read your file and somehow, for unknown reasons, informed your wife or her lawyer about the contents.”
    “Wait a minute. How'd you find out they know about Ali?”
    “I got a fax in my office just a short time ago.”
    “You think this has something to do with your lost files?”
    “I just don't know. It's suspicious. On the other hand, they could have known about her for some time and waited until the last minute to spring it on us.”
    “But how else—” Kevin stopped. “Is she going to testify?”
    “Yes. She's been subpoenaed. She may be here today.”
    “Then they knew about her yesterday, right? Before your files were gone.”
    “Possibly. But it's also possible they got her in on very short notice.”
    “My God. The kids. We've got to stop her!”
    “I will object, but if the judge decides to let her take the stand, I'm afraid we can't,” Nina said. “All we can do is hope she's fair, Kevin, and hope the judge can put the relationship into perspective, as part of who you are.”
    “Lisa did it,” he said. “You saw her yesterday. She's pissed at you, and believe me, she doesn't hold back when she's got an issue. She can't stand to be criticized, and you really let her have it. They can't steal my damn file and use it against me, can they?”
    “I will object,” Nina said again. “It's wrong. But I have to give you the heads-up.”
    “You let them take my file from you?” The news finally reached him.
    Nina said, “I don't know who took my truck. I don't know if they found out about Ali from my file.”
    “Don't try to defend yourself,” Kevin said. “Don't put a spin on it. Don't give me a song and dance. Jesus!” His mouth contorted. “I'm gonna lose the kids over this! You have to fix this!”
    “Listen, Kevin. We can continue the hearing, give ourselves some time to sort this out. If they want to put Ali Peck on the stand on this notice, we have a right to prepare for it. Let's continue the hearing. That's my advice.”
    “Continue it? For how long?”
    “It depends on the judge's calendar.”
    “I waited nine months for this hearing, which is only a temporary-custody hearing anyway. It's almost over. Today's the last day. So you tell me. Can you keep Ali out if we continue the hearing?”
    “I don't think so,” Nina said. “The purpose of the continuance would only be to allow us to prepare for her testimony, you see?”
    “She'd definitely testify?”
    “We wait God knows how long and then she takes the stand anyway? Why are you suggesting this to me? Object today. Stop it.”
    “I can try. But if we don't ask for a continuance—”
    “My kids are growing up! A continuance is only going to drive me crazy, you understand, Nina? Nine months I've waited, while Lisa jacked me around on the visits. Ali or no Ali.”
    “It's time. We should go. Can you stay calm, Kevin?” Nina didn't feel very calm herself. Riesner's missile had launched and now zoomed through the air toward their flimsy bunker.

    N INA AND HER CLIENT entered the familiar doors of the courthouse, passed through security, and turned right, taking the stairs up, Kevin moving fast. With her heavy bag in tow, Nina had to struggle to keep up with him. Setting it down for a moment to rest her arm at the top of the stairs, she looked around, seeing no sign of a girl in the

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