His Dream Role

Free His Dream Role by Shannyn Schroeder

Book: His Dream Role by Shannyn Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannyn Schroeder
I’m glad you haven’t tried to give up the apartment.” He tossed bills on the table.
    She looped her arm around his. “I will, Dad. I just can’t swing it until I’m working full-time. I’m not going to live off of you forever. Don’t you want me to grow up?”
    â€œNot particularly.” He kissed her head and she leaned into him.
    When she got back to her apartment, part of her hoped Free would still be there, but as soon as she opened the door, she knew he wasn’t. It was a silly hope. He might’ve had class or work. He couldn’t sit around waiting for her all day.
    Inside, there was a note stuck to the wall near her coat hook. She couldn’t help but smile. Free was a good guy. She held the note as she walked through the apartment. He’d left no overt sign that he’d been there, but he’d cleaned up the mess they’d left.
    She would definitely go to the play tonight. Maybe Jess would be free to join her. Then she could see that he wasn’t a freak. But first she texted Free.
    I’d love to see the play again. Not sure about going out after. I have a paper to finish this weekend. But maybe for a little while.
    I’ll take whatever I can get. See you later.
    As she thumbed through her contacts to call Jess, another text from Free came across.
    How did things go with your dad?
    Better than expected. I’ll tell you about it tonight.
    Not just a good guy, but considerate, too. It wouldn’t take much for her to completely fall for him. The thought was crazy; she’d only known him for a couple of weeks.
    She called Jess to make plans for tonight and to get a dose of sanity.
    â€œHey, babe. What’s up?”
    â€œYou want to go out tonight?”
    â€œSure. Where do you want to go?”
    â€œI have a couple of tickets to see A Christmas Carol .”
    A long pause followed.
    â€œIt’s opening night and Free is leaving tickets for us.”
    â€œThis is your latest weirdo?”
    â€œHe’s not weird and I really like him. Plus, this’ll be your chance to meet him and check him out. Then you’ll see he’s not a weirdo.”
    Jess groaned. “Okay. What time?”
    That was one reason she loved Jess. The girl could complain like nobody’s business, but she always came through as a friend. They made plans to meet at the theater. If Free passed Jess’s test, Sam might think about bringing him to meet her parents. After the holidays, of course. Bringing someone home at Christmas spoke volumes about the relationship and they weren’t at that stage. At least not yet.

Chapter 7
    W hen the curtain came down, Jess stood and stretched. “You were right. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be.”
    â€œTold you.” Sam reclined in the theater seat. “I don’t know how long it’ll take for Free to change, so we might as well stay here.”
    Jess remained standing and looked across the theater. “Decent-sized crowd.”
    â€œI thought they were good. Professional.”
    Jess plopped back into the seat. “You seem mellow. Why is that? You’re usually nervous when I meet a boyfriend for the first time.”
    â€œI’m not sure. Free is different. We’re comfortable together.”
    â€œYou slept with him already.”
    â€œI don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sam dodged Jess’s stare.
    Sam leaned closer to Jess and lowered her voice. “So what? We slept together.”
    â€œIt was sweet and fun. And before you ask, we talked about being exclusive. He’s totally on board.” She decided to keep his lack of condoms to herself. “He was kind of awkward at first, but he warmed up.” She thought about him going down on her moments before her dad barged in. “We were almost caught in the act

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