The Game of Shepherd and Dawse
Joe looked forward to reading more of it to him tomorrow, almost as much as Charlie looked forward to hearing Joe read it.
    That night, Charlie told his Mum all about the amazing place called Shepherd Wood and how they did everything differently there. He told her how one day he was going to build a place just like Shepherd Wood where everyone could live in peace and be happy.
    Angela loved the fact that Charlie and Joe were so close and felt very grateful they each had Joe in their lives. Money was tight but Angela was happy now, much happier than when she was with her ex, Aiden, when money had been plentiful. It made her smile to think about all the people who put so much emphasis on financial happiness only to forget where true happiness lies – which for Angela were in all the little things in life that didn’t cost a penny.
    Charlie worked really hard in school the next day so as not to let his best buddy down. The day flew by and before he knew it, the end of day bell was ringing.
    Charlie was excited about hearing more of the story that evening but he also knew that story time was always at the end of their day. It was how he and Joe had always done it, leaving the best part of the day till the very end. Joe did it like this because he wanted to teach Charlie the importance of always having something to look forward to.
    Joe got dinner ready while Charlie helped out. While they worked, he told Joe about his day at school and all he had learned. After dinner they chatted some more, all the while Charlie kept glancing at the clock.
    Joe teased him about this a bit and then eventually said, “Well, I think it’s probably time for a Chronicles of Us story, what do you think, Charles”, Joe casually asked, fully knowing what his little friend was going to say.
    “Funny you should say that, Mr S. I was thinking exactly the same thing”, Charlie nodded.
    Charlie excitedly nestled himself in the corduroy beanbag chair opposite Joe, while Joe retrieved the book from the shelf and started the story where he had left off





“ They who profess to be wise are usually shown the fool”. ~ Soladus

    By far, the eldest member of the community of Shepherd Wood was Soladus, a wise old man who had seen many things in his time. Despite his obvious age, his eyes were young and eager, and this juxtaposition encouraged those who needed advice to consult him for spiritual guidance and healing. You didn’t talk to Soladus, you let him talk to you because he appeared to be all knowing. Truth to tell, he had lost most of the use of his hearing some years ago, but he had become very good at lip reading and he enjoyed the peace that having no hearing had given him.

    When a person of a younger nature would visit him for the first time it would always be the same. They would start talking frantically about what was bothering them even though they knew he couldn’t hear. Then Soladus would calmly place one hand on top of their head and ask, “Have you come here to teach me about yourself or have you come here to be taught about yourself? Sit down my child, and I will tell you what’s bothering you”.
    Soladus lived at the very top of the plain, about a mile from where all the main activity in the settlement took place. His wooden house stood alone and could be clearly seen as a silhouette on a moonlit night. He chose to live in this specific location in the settlement because it gave him a clear vantage point as to everything that was going on in and around the plain. Being in this position gave him a great deal of extra insight as to what was going on in people’s lives, and a better chance of him being able to help them. He would sit many a day doing the chores that his body still enabled him to do while watching over the village in the meantime. He enjoyed sewing and making clothes for the newly born because his

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