Secrets of the Dragon Tomb

Free Secrets of the Dragon Tomb by Patrick Samphire

Book: Secrets of the Dragon Tomb by Patrick Samphire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patrick Samphire
above? Putty was supposed to be clever.
    She rubbed her head.
    I pulled out my last coin. This was it. The rest of my allowance for the week. She’d better notice this time. I aimed it carefully and threw. It smacked into the back of Putty’s head.
    At last she looked up. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Then she reached out a hand and tugged Jane’s sleeve. I gaped. Why on Mars had she done that? I screwed up my eyes, waiting for the inevitable shriek from Mama.
    It didn’t come. Jane pulled her sleeve free from Putty’s grip and stepped forward to greet the guests. Putty was still staring up at us. In a moment, she was going to draw attention.
    â€œWhat are you doing?” Putty mouthed.
    â€œHelp us!” I mouthed back.
    Putty put her head on one side. “What?”
    â€œThe window.” I made wild gestures at the closed window. I doubted she could see it was closed, but surely she’d realize we needed help. After all, it wasn’t every day you saw Olivia out on a window ledge, her long dress flapping in the breeze, exposing her petticoat and drawers to everyone. Even Putty must think that was a bit strange.
    â€œParthenia!” Mama said, loud enough for everyone to hear. “Pay attention.” She turned to her guests. “You must excuse my daughter. She is overexcited.”
    The second carriage drew up behind the first, and a couple of gentlemen I didn’t recognize climbed out, one obviously the father of the other, both with prominent noses and unfortunate, weak chins.
    â€œMr. Allendale! Master Allendale!” Mama cried. “Welcome to my party! You know Mrs. Adolpho and Mrs. Cartwright? They were just complimenting me on my table arrangements.”
    Putty glanced back up at me.
    â€œGo on!” I mouthed.
    â€œMama,” Putty said, “I must be excused.”
    Mama blinked, as though she didn’t recognize Putty for a moment. “Excused? Don’t talk nonsense, girl.” She turned back to the gentlemen. “This is my husband, Mr. Sullivan, and my eldest daughter, Miss Jane Sullivan. I have been told that she takes after me. Certainly she has a fine complexion, would you not agree, Master Allendale?”
    â€œMama,” Putty said. “I really must be excused. Please.”
    Mama fanned herself, her cheeks turning pink with embarrassment. “Quickly, girl! If you have not returned by the time Lady Ashville arrives…” She trailed off, realizing her guests were still listening. “That is to say, we have been singularly honored by Lady Ashville, who will be attending our garden party. But that is not all.” She leaned closer. “The great Sir Titus Dane himself has promised to pay us a visit. The first time in ten years that he has attended an event on Mars…”
    Putty didn’t have to be told twice. She turned tail and darted back into the house. I let out a sigh of relief. Mama would keep her guests enthralled with gossip about the great Sir Titus Dane, and Putty would be up here in a minute or two. We were going to be saved. As long as I could persuade Putty to keep quiet, we might even get away with this.
    The window shot up behind me. A hand reached out and clamped hold of Olivia’s arm.
    And just in time. The sound of the window opening had set her wobbling again. Her foot slipped from the window ledge. Her arms spun helplessly, and she toppled forward. Then the hand pulled her around and in. I shuffled along the window ledge, then ducked back inside.
    And stopped.
    â€œSir Titus?” I said.
    The famous archaeologist smiled down at me. He hadn’t let go of Olivia’s arm.
    â€œI came back, as I promised your mother,” Sir Titus said, “and I saw you up here. I thought you might need saving.”
    â€œI didn’t see you arrive,” I said.
    Sir Titus’s grin widened. “I came a different way. And now, to show your gratitude for being

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