Undead at Sundown

Free Undead at Sundown by R.J McCabe

Book: Undead at Sundown by R.J McCabe Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.J McCabe
bitch right there in that bar but I don't know him and he might be quick on the draw even if he don't look it. I've seen too many friends put in the dust because they drew on some sober son of a bitch, when they had a gut full of booze. I ain’t goin out like that but mark my words Big John, I'll have my day with the sheriff and he's gonna regret talkin' to me like he did, you  mark my words.’
          John liked the approach, he admired Davey’s way of thinking. He wasn't sure how tough the man was with his hands or how fast he was with his gun, but he had a clever way about him, John knew a dangerous man when he met one and he sensed something dark in Davey Doolan.
         John looked around and realised how dark it was, the moon was hidden behind clouds and he couldn't see more than ten feet in front of the horses. ‘You know where we’re goin' Davey? Cause I can’t see shit.’
         ‘Sure I do!’ Davey said. ‘I've travelled these roads many times in the dark, you kind of get a feel for them, the bumps, the smells, the…’
         ‘Did you hear that?’ John interrupted.
          ‘I heard you interrupt me John thats bout it. As I was sayin' you kind of g…’
         ‘No shh, listen, I heard somethin'’
          Davey halted the cart and the two men sat in silence listening, the first sound that came was the horses breathing. The men strained to listen. ‘What you hear John? You think we bein' followed?’
         ‘I don’t know what I heard but it wasn't like no sound I'm used to hearin' out here.’
          Again the two men listened, but there was no other sound other than the horses.
          ‘Not sure I like being out here in the middle of nowhere knowin' what Joel did to the chiefs son over at the Apache camp, ’ said Big John.
          ‘I don’t think they are out here John. As stupid as those feather wearin' fucks might be, they know better than to fuck with Blackwater men. Come on lets get back to camp.’
          Davey snapped the reigns but the horses didn't move, instead they began to move as if something was bothering them, their heads shook and their hooves stomped on the ground. Davey tried to take control of the reigns but the horses behaviour was becoming increasingly agitated and unpredictable.
          ‘What the hells got these horses so spooked,’ said Davey still struggling with the reigns.
          ‘I told you I heard somethin', it was kind of like a…,’ and then from somewhere nearby in the dark came an ear piercing scream, a scream the likes neither man had ever heard before.
         John grabbed a rifle whilst Davey let go of the reigns and pulled both guns from his belt.
          ‘What the fuck was that?’ said Doolan.
          ‘I don’t know Davey but I don't like it one bit, sounds big, pissed off, and plain fuckin' evil!’
         ‘Yeah, well, I just hope it ain’t you and me who's gonna be screamin' in a minute.’ Davey’s comment sent a cold shiver down John Duggan’s broad back.
          ‘Who’s out there?’ Davey called, ‘You better know who you're fuckin' with!’ he added, but no reply came.
         Davey then jumped down from the wagon and looked out into the darkness. Big John followed his lead and jumped down from opposite the side of the cart. He two of them stared out into the black of the night and it was then a smell reached John’s nose. It was a very unpleasant smell and seemed to burn the inside of his nostrils as he inhaled.
          ‘You smell that Davey?’ he shouted but no reply came. ‘Say Davey, you smell that? It don't smell right to me,’ But still no reply came. ‘Davey?’ he called again, ‘Answer me dammit. This ain’t no time to fuck around. Don't be an asshole!’
          Big John stood still, his ears straining to hear something, anything from the other side of the cart. He was pissed at Davey for not answering, he was being a dick. He’d had a

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