Viking Vengeance
Cyninges-tūn was now used by my people for feasting. Most warriors had their own farms and homes. As I entered they all cheered. None of my Ulfheonar were there.  They would be with their families but all those, like Rolf Eriksson who had been on the raid, were. Karl One Hand who had been an Ulfheonar was now the warrior who watched my home when I was absent.  He stood aside from his seat at the end of the table and greeted me, "Hail Jarl Dragonheart! Until we have the songs sung by Haaken, tell us of the great deeds that you performed in Frankia."
    I waved them to their seats and then said, "Instead of my words hear the stories from a new Viking; a warrior who will fight alongside us.  Come, Hrolf son of Gerloc, warrior of Neustria and tell your new family your story and how the Norns wove it into my story and Hermund One Eye will fill in any gaps.  I would eat and drink for I have missed Thorbjorg the ale wife's beer!"
    Thorbjorg swelled with pride at my praise. Hrolf began to tell his story, haltingly at first but growing in confidence when my people hung on his every word. Hermund helped him out a couple of times. I smiled for it was obvious that Hrolf had never had such attention before.  I could see him growing and becoming a Viking once more. He and Hermund had been close on the voyage home for they had much in common. Hermund had taken the young slave under his wing.  Even as I listened to them I was planning for their future. I leaned closer to Brigid. "I would have these two live in my hall."
    She laughed and kissed my cheek, "For a Viking you have the softest of hearts.  Dragonheart indeed! They should have named you lamb's heart! But I love you for it.  You did the same for me and I will be eternally grateful.  Of course they shall live in our hall. It is wyrd ."
    It was my turn to laugh, "We are changing you then.  You now believe in wyrd !"
    "Let us just say I see events occurring which my beliefs cannot explain!"
    The evening degenerated into a beer fuelled celebration of our life by the Water, beneath our mountain.  I waved over Hermund and Hrolf.  The young Viking was still glowing from the attention. "Until you are ready for your own home my wife and I would like you to live with us and my son in my hall.  What say you?"
    I thought that Hrolf would burst into tears of joy.  He seemed incapable of speech. Hermund smiled and spoke for them both, "We have both spent many years with a yoke around our necks and slept with swine. We do not deserve this honour but we would not show you disrespect by refusing.  We will sleep in your hall and serve you as best we can although what you need in a one eyed slave and an unproven youth I know not."
    "You have both proved yourself and look around.  I do not discard those who serve me because they are not whole.  Haaken lost an eye and is the mightiest of the Ulfheonar.  Karl One Hand was Karl Word Master until he lost a limb fighting for me. If you are one of my people then I protect you unto death."
    Unprompted, they both knelt. "We swear to be your men, Jarl."
    "You are happy to be oathsworn?"
    "We are."
    I took out  Ragnar's Spirit. "Then swear on the sword which was touched by the gods."
    I saw the awe in their eyes as they laid their hands on the blade and intoned their oath.  Their words were so quiet as to be almost inaudible but it mattered not; the Allfather heard them and they were binding. They were my men until they died.
    I always enjoyed my first day home from a raid.  I got to walk and talk among my people.  As usual, my first visit was to Bjorn Bagsecgson my blacksmith.  He was like Thor himself beating out metal in his smithy by the Water.  He stopped as I approached.  Grinning he pointed to the pile of metal in the corner. "It was a good raid Jarl."
    "Aye it was and the Allfather protected us, we lost but a handful of men."
    "These candlesticks from the churches of the White Christ; do you wish to use them or melt them down?"

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