Viking Vengeance
need no plates nor candlesticks.  I doubt that we will get the value we should from selling them.  Use them. I would have a golden wolf made for my son and each of my grandchildren." He nodded.  "I know that Aiden normally makes such things but it is his child and I would like to surprise him."
    "My grandson, Bjorn Bjornson, has worked with Aiden.  If you would give him the opportunity I am certain that he would do a fine job."
    "Good.  Make it so and I would have two short swords made for Hrolf and Hermund, the two captives we rescued."
    "That is generous, Jarl, they were thralls."
    "But for them, Bjorn, we would not have had the success we did. Remember that I too was a slave once."
    He laughed, "Aye I remember.  You and Old Ragnar up in the mountains fighting snow and wolves. You were so scrawny in those days we were convinced that a strong wind would blow you over.  You have grown."
    "Aye I learned much from old Ragnar.  It was he gave me my first bow and my first sword.  I continue as he would have done. " I pointed to the pile of metal.  "You will have many orders for swords."
    He smiled, "And I have smiths who will make those.  I chose whom I smith for. Your swords will be done first. Do you have any ideas about the design?"
    "A wolf's head pommel springs to mind."
    "And length?"
    "Hrolf is small and Hermund is to live in my home.  They need them only for protection.  When Hrolf grows we will see about a warrior's blade."
    "Aye, I could do that."
    As I left my smith I looked at the Old Man of Cyninges-tūn. In the morning he always seemed to smile.  Perhaps it was the sun's rays from the east which did that. It was another reason I walked the eastern shore in the morning.
    My Ulfheonar arrived at noon so that we could divide the treasure. The last of it arrived from Úlfarrston in the mid morning. The other warriors who had fought with us were there to receive their share. I saw Hrolf and Hermund hanging back.  When I had divided it up I called them over.  There were two gold pieces in the chest. "Here is your treasure." I also handed them a shield, a sword belt and a helmet. The shields were not as good as ours, they were Frankish, but they would do for a while.
    "Thank you lord," Hrolf proffered his short seax.  "And I have a sword already!"
    "That is not a sword for a Viking.  Bjorn the Smith will have your swords ready before too long.  A warrior who fights for me has only the best."
    Bjorn's grandson worked hard and he worked quickly. It took him but two days to make them.  His father already had the mould we had used to make the ones for my Ulfheonar.  It was just a case of melting down the gold and casting them. I think he was keen to impress me.  When he showed me the first one I was impressed.  He had even found a fragment of the blue stone for each of the wolves' eyes.  "They will be ready on the morrow, Jarl when I have polished and fitted the thong."
    I handed him one of the gold pieces I had been paid by the Franks.
    He shook his head, "It is too much I cannot accept such a fortune."
    "I have underpaid you for this wolf will protect my son and my grandchildren. Take it or I will be insulted."
    My son arrived four days after the feast.  He came with his son and his wife, Elfrida with her new child. I had not seen them since the birth of Elfrida's daughter, Erika. I hugged him when he dismounted, "Thank you for watching over my land while we raided.  There is treasure for you in my hall."
    He nodded. "We did little to earn it.  There were no raids and no incomers.  We had peace."
    I embraced Elfrida, "And how does my granddaughter fare?"
    "She is healthy, Jarl."
    "And she has a cousin now with whom to play.  Kara gave birth to a daughter too."
    Elfrida and Kara got on well.  They were like sisters and she was pleased.  "What is the child's name?"
    I shrugged, "They have not dreamed it.  When a volva and galdramenn get together it is a world of the spirits they inhabit.  They

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