Steel Dominance

Free Steel Dominance by Cari Silverwood

Book: Steel Dominance by Cari Silverwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cari Silverwood
Tags: Fantasy, BDSM, Steampunk, Erotic Romance
her. A breeze sifted across, making the cloth attached to her nipples flail at her gently and rattling leaves on the nearby trees.
    “Well?” He put his hand to her face and caressed her.
    Shaken, on the verge of answering, she was saved by a summons from a steward above.
    “Sir! The party begins. You must enter now or be locked out.”
    “Later, then. I will ask again.” His eyes held the promise. “Perhaps tomorrow has come early?”
    She shook her head, but he only smiled grimly. “Don’t lie to me, Sofia. Never ever lie.”
    Oh God.
    Numb with fear and some emotion she couldn’t understand, she followed him.
    They were led along a wide corridor furnished with low chairs and tables, then through a keyhole arch into a large squarish room. Anxiety clamped down onto her stomach. Rather than a single central table, people were gathered about low knee-high ones.
    With her gaze at Dankyo’s feet, things flashed into sight and caught her eye before something else intrigued her—damask cloth and the brilliant sheen of embroidered cushions, the silver of pouring jugs and platters, lemon scent and sweet smoke and roast meats. The eyes staring at her were made up with kohl, and the mouths below with poppy red. The tinkle of teacups and spoons and forks. The gentle moans of the aroused.
    The people.
    She stumbled.
    Barely clothed men and women at the feet of their owners. Some naked. Bare breasts were being fondled. Men ate while their slaves did all manner of duties—feeding them or holding their plates or massaging their feet.
    “Here, sir. Food is being served. Enjoy.” The servant left.
    “Sofia.” Dankyo took her elbow and gently tugged. “Sit, or you will be noticed.”
    “Oh.” Afraid someone might grab her and force her to participate in what might easily become an orgy, she sank to her knees and sat back on her heels.
    Dankyo was on the divan. With his hand on her upper arm, he pulled her to him, then closed his hand on the back of her neck. “Listen to me before the servants return. There is nothing to be concerned over. You are with me. No harm will come to you.”
    At the touch and his voice, she became a little calmer. She wasn’t alone. But dozens of questions still trampled through her thoughts.
    As food arrived and they were left to themselves, she relaxed. Sometimes men glanced at her, but none ventured over. Her clothes were demure compared to utter nakedness—though her nipples ached from the sensations constantly buffeting them. For a while Dankyo ignored her and merely asked her to hold the platter up where he could reach. To her, right now, being ignored was bliss. Her heart rate descended. It seemed this was a dinner where simply attending was enough. Good.
    From out the corner of her eyes, she cataloged the people and was surprised to see two of the emperor-bey’s personal guards attending the vizier who had escorted them at the palace. The female guard, at the least, was the same also. Though the guard wore a helmet that covered her eyes, Sofia recalled the thin scar across her mouth.
    When only a small portion of the food remained on the platter, Dankyo speared a piece of spiced meat on his fork and put it to her lips. He smiled at her hesitation.
    “Eat, Sofia. Some Masters enjoy feeding their slaves.”
    Hunger made her stomach gurgle. She opened her mouth and took the morsel.
    Dankyo fed her the rest of the meal, then gave her iced wine before allowing her some of the dessert. Men visited them, greeted Dankyo, and left after exchanging a few words. If this was a slave’s lot, she could tolerate it.
    Quietly, and gradually, the atmosphere changed. Some of the men began using their slaves in sexual ways. She tried not to look, but curiosity enticed her. Most fascinating was a young redhead lying on a divan, attending to her Master who stood before her. While she fondled his cock, his fingers were pumping inside her cunt. With a shudder and loud moan, the woman came. Her Master

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