
Free AgelessDesires by Tessie Bradford

Book: AgelessDesires by Tessie Bradford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tessie Bradford
underside of each breast, then
kissing her ribs and ending up with his tongue swirling into her belly button.
She couldn’t help her little sighs and moans as her body became hypersensitive.
    Bryan sat back on his knees and popped the button of Kate’s
jeans. She didn’t even think before she raised her hips to allow him to pull
the denim down her legs. His sexy laughter though, brought her up on her elbows
and she grinned playfully when he discovered the wisp of fabric that covered
    “Do you like?” she purred as she lifted her feet to let him
finish removing her pants. The answer that she got wasn’t from Bryan. She
finally realized that Jason was in the room when he rose slowly from the chair
and walked toward them.
    “Katie, please, ” Jason implored her as he knelt down
and placed his hands on either side of her head, “Let me love you too,
    What Kate saw was totally uninhibited passion in his
expression. This was the moment that would decide everything. She suddenly
realized that she had the power. There were two magnificent men just wanting to
pleasure her in every way imaginable. She wanted to give into it, she wanted to
have this experience, she just wanted…
    “Bryan?” The whispered question conveyed all her insecurity
and all her desire in one breath, while she never broke eye contact with Jason.
Bryan didn’t speak. He just slowly moved the lacy panties to one side of her
pussy and began to lick her outer lips.
    Kate waited breathlessly for what would happen next. When
Jason’s lips met hers they were warm and firm. He began slowly but when her mouth
opened slightly in surprise as Bryan began to lick her clit, Jason drove his
tongue past her lips with purpose. Kate met him with an eagerness of her own as
she raised her hips so that Bryan could slide his hands under her ass. His
tongue started to dart in and out of her pussy as he pressed her more fully to
him. Jason began to softly knead her breast as he continued to plunder her
    Kate couldn’t figure out which sensations to concentrate on
more. She felt like she was truly in a dream and that her body was going up in
flames. Bryan slowly slid a finger into her as he continued to suck on her
clit. Kate moaned her pleasure into Jason’s mouth, which caused him to pinch
and roll her nipples as he sucked on her tongue. Bryan removed his finger from
her pussy in order to spread her juices around her anus.
    “Bryan, no,” Kate whimpered as she wrenched her mouth from
Jason, “it’s too soon.” Kate clung onto Jason’s forearms and closed her eyes.
    Jason looked down her body to see what his friend was up to
and the sight almost caused him to come in his jeans. Kate’s panties were lying
discarded on her stomach. One thigh was draped over Bryan’s shoulder as he held
her other thigh out to his side. Her ass was propped up on a pillow. He had
both of his hands poised to enter her again as he gazed lovingly down at her
pussy, his face wet with her juices. Jason leaned up so that he could hold
Kate’s cheek against his chest and watch everything that was happening.
    “Doesn’t that feel incredible?” Jason asked as he stroked
her hair. “Why do you want him to stop, darlin’?” He kissed the top of her
    “Because she’s going to come as soon as my finger goes into
her delicious little asshole,” Bryan declared as he lowered his head back down.
    Kate tightened her grip on Jason, waiting. She wanted this
to last forever but she felt her orgasm building and there was nothing that she
could do to stop it. Bryan flicked her clit with his tongue once, twice and
then latched on just as his fingers entered her pussy and ass simultaneously.
Kate screamed as her hips ground wildly against Bryan’s face. She felt like she
would split into a million pieces as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure
washed over her.
    “Jesus Christ,” Jason growled as he watched Kate writhe. She
still had her face against his chest while

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