Seduce Me Forever (Seduce Me #4)

Free Seduce Me Forever (Seduce Me #4) by E. J. Adams

Book: Seduce Me Forever (Seduce Me #4) by E. J. Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. J. Adams
Chapter One
    I had stood my ground with Brandon. My desire for him was not quenched, but I was not ready to trust my heart to him again. The phone message from Jeremy was sweet and reminded me that there were nice guys left in the world. Nice guys who wouldn't cheat.
    Okay, the sex was less than spectacular with Jeremy. But, to be fair, I was still reeling from Brandon. My mind was filled with thoughts of Brandon. Filled with thoughts of sex with Brandon.
    So, comparing sex with any man to sex with Brandon probably wasn't going to help me. I didn't think any man could measure up to him in the sex department. I wondered if a nice guy, who was a great kisser, could offer me a level of sexual pleasure that would satisfy me. Did pretty good sex with a really nice guy outweigh earth-shattering sex with an Adonis who cheated?
    That, for me, was a mystery of the universe at the moment. I guess there was only one way to find out the answer to the question. I'd have to table that discussion with myself for another time. I had the more immediate conversation with Lauren Caldwell from Adele fashion magazine.
    That was my second surprise phone message. Lauren Caldwell was the Vice President of Human Resources at Adele fashion magazine in Los Angeles. I had been offered an entry-level position with Adele when I had graduated from college. I declined the offer to take my high-profile, mega-bucks, beyond-dream job at Jacqueline fashion magazine.
    But the entry-level offer was almost six months ago. A lot had changed in that short time. Adele had taken notice of my success with the Digital and Social Media strategy at Jacqueline . They wanted to steal me away so that I could do the same at Adele . I assumed the job offer would be a good one. However, I wasn't at all sure they would be willing to pay me anything close to what I was making at Jacqueline .
    I nervously wrapped my fingers on my desk as the phone rang. I was returning Lauren Caldwell's call. I was intrigued at what the offer might be.
    Was the universe somehow trying to tell me that I had a future in Los Angeles? A future without Brandon Mitchell and Jacqueline ? A future that could include Jeremy due to an amazing job opportunity at Adele ? Did I even want that?
    On the third ring my call was answered.
    “Lauren Caldwell,” answered the voice on the other end of the phone.
    “Ms. Caldwell, this is Ashley Sullivan returning your call,” I said.
    “Yes, Ms. Sullivan. Thank you for returning my call. I know that I didn't leave any details, but I hope that this is more than a courtesy call to decline discussing an offer,” Ms. Caldwell said.
    “To be honest, I'm not sure of my intentions. I'm interested in learning more about your offer,” I replied.
    “Well, that is an encouraging start. We'd like to bring you out to Los Angeles to visit the office. We want you to meet the staff and have your questions answered. It will also give us an opportunity to present our formal offer to you. What I can tell you is that we are prepared to beat your current salary and benefits package,” explained Ms. Caldwell.
    “I haven't shared what my current salary and benefits package is,” I said.
    “Let's just say that we have a pretty good ballpark figure on what it is and how we are prepared to entice you with a sweeter offer,” she replied.
    Perhaps I was still a bit naive, but I wasn't clear on how Adele would have any idea about what I made. They were a private company. Jacqueline was part of a private company. And the two magazines were fierce competitors. I decided not to dwell on it.
    “I appreciate that very much. I must admit that I am flattered in your level of interest. I need to also say that I am happy at Jacqueline. I am happy living in Manhattan.”
    “We expected that to be the case. We also believe that if you visit with us and see all that we have to offer, a position at Adele will be very attractive. If nothing else, you can get an all-expenses paid getaway to

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