The Rocker That Needs Me (The Rocker...)

Free The Rocker That Needs Me (The Rocker...) by Terri Anne Browning

Book: The Rocker That Needs Me (The Rocker...) by Terri Anne Browning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Anne Browning
minutes. Jesse and Layla got the honeymoon suite on the top floor while the rest of us were on the same floor. Drake took the room next to mine and Lucy’s, and Shane opted for the one at the end of the hall. Nik and Emmie got the one a few rooms over.
    I loved our room. Lucy, hyped up from having to spend so long in a vehicle, was jumping on one of the queen sized beds while I took a minute to look out the window at the Strip. It was beautiful in the evening light, and I couldn’t help but stare down at it in wonder.
    A connecting door led into Drake’s room, and I knocked twice before he answered. He had a tooth brush in his hand, probably to get the taste of Red Bull out of his mouth since he and his brother had chugged several each on the drive.
    “Hey, neighbor.” I grinned up at him as I made myself at home in his room, which was an exact copy of my own except his bed was a king where mine had two queens.
    “You should be getting ready,” he called from the bathroom where he was rinsing out his mouth. “Aren’t you supposed to be meeting Layla and Em downstairs to go dress shopping?”
    I sighed. “Are you trying to get rid of me, Drake?”
    “Of course not. I just don’t want you to keep the bride waiting.” He stuck his head out of the bathroom. “You seriously need a nap, Angel. You’re starting to sound like a cranky bitch. It started just outside of the Nevada state line.”
    I gave him the finger and turned toward my room. “Nice. I’ll talk to you later, asshole.”
    Strong arms wrapped around my waist before I could reach the door. “Don’t leave mad,” he murmured against my ear. My shiver was involuntary, making my entire body come alive. “I’m sorry I called you a bitch...” he kissed the back of my head “...but you have been cranky.”
    I closed my eyes. He was right. I had been cranky. The events from the night before and this morning kept replaying in my head, and I wanted to hit something. I had been stupid and now I was paying for that stupidity.
    “You’re right. I’m sorry.” I leaned into him for another few seconds before pulling away. “I’ll try to do better,” I promised, shooting him a forced smile over my shoulder.
    Lucy and I met Layla and Emmie downstairs. There was plenty of time to shop for dresses since Layla wasn’t looking for the typical wedding dress. “Just something beautiful,” was her only requirement.
    Emmie, having been to Vegas a few times, knew some really good boutiques that didn’t cater to the trashy and nasty. We all found something pretty to wear, except for Lucy. She required an additional stop. I loved Emmie’s silver dress. It ended about mid-thigh and showed off her milk filled breasts beautifully. My own was a shimmery blue that was a little more conservative in length but just as daring at the bust. I had them and tonight I wanted to make sure that Drake realized I had them too.
    Nothing compared to Layla’s dress. It was creamy beige and hugged her curves, letting everyone see her for the goddess she was. The sheer happiness shining from her big chocolate brown eyes made my breath catch when I saw her after we had all showered and gotten dressed.
    A car was waiting for us down stairs. Lucy tugged at her blue lacy dress, not used to wearing a dress at all. “You two look beautiful,” Layla murmured as the car pulled into traffic.
    “Not nearly as beautiful as you, Layla,” I assured her, blinking back tears. “I’m so glad you’re happy. No one deserves it more than you.”
    “Stop i t , ” Emmie scolded gently. “Don’t you two dare start crying! It took me forever to get my makeup just right.” But she was already blinking rapidly, tears filling those big green eyes of hers. Mia cooed between us, letting us know that she wanted in on the conversation too. It broke the serious moment and we all laughed, wiping away the tears that had escaped. Before I knew it, the car was pulling to a stop outside an adorable little

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