The Sapphire Gun

Free The Sapphire Gun by J. R. Roberts

Book: The Sapphire Gun by J. R. Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. R. Roberts
difference was that Rosa also had a touch of fear in her eyes.
    After letting those previous words sink in, Clint added, “Because she’ll be in jail by then. But first, she’s going to talk to us about her assassin friends.”
    Rosa shifted in her saddle so she could look at Clint. It wasn’t easy because of the ropes tying her wrists, but she was able to see Clint’s face when she asked, “Are you going to set me free if I tell you enough?”
    â€œThen why should I say anything else?”
    â€œBecause,” Clint replied, “there are plenty of different types of jails you can go to. I could take you to the U.S. Marshals, who I know work down to the letter of the law, or I could take you to a few sheriffs I know who don’t hinder themselves as much with rules and regulations.”
    Johnny looked over to Clint as well. He studied Clint’s face to see if he could tell how much of what Clint was saying was actually going to be backed up by action. He got as much information from Clint’s expression as Rosa did, which was absolutely none.
    â€œEven someone who rides along with killers should know the type of men I’m talking about,” Clint said. “They’d be the sort of lawmen who your friend with the fancy gun would have avoided like the plague because they tend to take walks when the vigilantes come by. They’re the kind who may even save themselves the trouble of a court trial by just cleaning out their cells since they know the people in them will hang either way.”
    Having kept his face relatively blank until now, Clint met Rosa’s stare directly and put an icy edge into his voice when he said, “They’re also the type who’d love to know they had a real assassin in their jail. Killers like that make them look real good, come election time. I don’t even think they’d mind if you pulled the trigger or just came along for the ride. Some lawmen hate people like you even more. Your friend was doing a job. You were just along for the ride and watching innocent folks die.”
    Finally, Rosa couldn’t take any more. “Enough,” she said as she took her eyes off of Clint and lowered her head. “I don’t want to hear any more.”
    â€œThen tell me something I want to hear.”
    â€œLike what?”
    â€œStart with the name of your partner.”
    â€œFranco Dominguez,” she replied softly.
    â€œAll right. Now, who hired you to kill me and Johnny?”
    â€œThey didn’t hire me,” she said softly.
    When Clint spoke again, the edge was no longer in his voice. In fact, he seemed comforting as he corrected himself. “Sorry. I meant when they hired your . . . employer.”
    Rosa looked up to find Clint riding directly beside her now. He smiled and nodded to let her know that she was out of harm’s way for the moment.
    â€œWhat was his name?” Clint asked.
    Rosa kept her head hung low. The only movement she made was due to the horse moving beneath her.
    â€œWhat about your name?” Clint asked.
    After a few seconds, she uttered, “Rosa.”
    â€œDo yourself and me a favor, Rosa. Tell me who hired Franco’s services, so this whole mess can be through.”
    Closing her eyes, Rosa let out a breath as if she was convinced it would be her last. “His name was Galloway. That’s all I remember.”
    â€œThat’s plenty,” Clint said.

    They rode all day and a little into the night. When Clint finally signaled for them to make camp, Johnny and Rosa were both about ready to drop over from exhaustion. It hadn’t been a rough ride, but they’d spent every waking moment tensed up and ready for trouble. Rosa was ready to feel the sting of Johnny’s rifle, and Johnny was ready for her to make a break for freedom.
    As the fire sputtered beneath the remnants of their hastily prepared supper, Johnny stretched

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