Ravage: Lightning Bolts MC

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Book: Ravage: Lightning Bolts MC by Zoey Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoey Parker
last orgasm. Then she sighed, and started grinding her hips into the bed.
    “Fuck,” I whispered. It was even better than I thought, especially the way she moved against me when she moved her hips. The longer she went, the tighter she got as she started to come. I felt her clamp around me so tight it almost hurt—then she screamed into the pillow, and her muscles started pulsing again.
    “Yes…yes…that’s it…” I pumped harder, just hard enough to push myself over the edge. I grunted loudly, exploding inside her. She was still quivering when I slid out.
    I rolled onto my back, breathing heavy. I kept a hand on her back, though. I had the feeling she needed the contact. She was feeling emotional again, probably.
    What was it about her? Why did I even care? I hadn’t spent the money, or promised to, so I could babysit an emotional chick for the rest of the night. It wasn’t my fault she didn’t know how to be after sex. I hadn’t done anything to hurt her.
    Unless I had. Fuck. I didn’t wanna be that guy who could fuck her up for the rest of her life or something.
    “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” I rolled over until I was almost on top of her. She was just the way I left her, practically on her stomach with her legs spread.
    “No. I mean, not any more than you would have, anyway. You’re pretty big.” Then she laughed quietly. “Isn’t that what guys like to hear?”
    “Yeah, but it helps if the girl is telling the truth,” I said.
    “Oh, I am. You’re huge. I didn’t think I could get you all the way inside me.”
    I couldn’t help it. My ego got a little bigger.
    “What’s wrong, then?”
    “I don’t know. It’s a lot to handle,” she admitted. She finally rolled over, and I moved back to give her room. “Like, we didn’t know each other before we started doing this. That’s strange for me. I don’t know if you’re used to being with a lot of different women…”
    “I wouldn’t say a lot,” I said. I was lying, but she didn’t need to know. What she also didn’t need to know about was the sex fest I was on in the months after my release. I must have slept with dozens of women since then, in just three months.
    Still, she was different. I hated that the thought kept coming to mind, but I couldn’t stop it. There was something special about her. I felt more comfortable with her. I could be myself, not “Eric the biker” or “Eric the tough guy.” It was who I was, but not all of who I was. I had pushed myself way down deep inside a long time before that. It made it easier for me to do the things I had to do. I could beat a guy half to death as long as I didn’t think about what it might do to his family, or whether he had a mother who worried about him being mixed up in the wrong things. I could run guns and drugs as long as I didn’t think about the people on the other side of the transaction—the people who would eventually get their hands on both and maybe kill themselves or other people.
    I could kill someone if I didn’t think of them as a person who had a life in the minute before they crossed my path.
    I moved away from her, rolling onto my back again. I couldn’t be too close to her, because she kept making me think these thoughts. I didn’t want to think them. Life was easier when I didn’t think.
    She wouldn’t let me get away though. This time, she rolled over toward me and snuggled up next to me. Oh, shit. I wanted to buck her off, tell her to stick to her side of the bed.
    But I couldn’t. Not just because it would be a dick thing to do, but because I already wanted her again. Instead of pushing her away, I put my arms around her.

Chapter Nine
    Had it really just happened? Had I dreamed the whole thing? I couldn’t have. None of my dreams compared to what had just happened.
    I felt giddy and giggly and warm and relaxed all over. Loose as a noodle, as my

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