Diary of the Pirate Killer

Free Diary of the Pirate Killer by Jenn Vakey

Book: Diary of the Pirate Killer by Jenn Vakey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenn Vakey
call to come in, but I want to watch the initial shock on their faces when they find him.  Seeing them after being called out is still gratifying, but I don’t think it will be anything close to when they first uncover his body.  I’m going to go out tomorrow and see if I can find the perfect place to hide so they won’t see me but I can see them.  If I can find the perfect place, then I will go out on Sunday and watch them.  I just need to make sure I can get back out without being seen.  Hopefully they will leave to go get help and I can easily get away without anyone seeing me.  I know it’s a risk to go out there, but I really want to see the pain the department is inflicting on them.  I just wish there was a way to make it clear to everyone that these men died because of their connection with the department without the risk that it could get tied back to me.  I’ve been careful only to pick men that Ben was also connected to.  All but the first, that is.  I’m pretty sure he consulted on that one, though. Ahhh!  I’m thinking into this way too much.  I think I need a drink.
    2/15/09- Today was so exhilarating!  I found a spot yesterday and hid about half an hour before they got there.  It took another hour for them to actually find him.  It was actually a young family out.  The dad struggled to put the tent together while his wife entertained their toddler.  I thought for sure they would venture out to collect firewood after he finished, but they just sat down and talked.  I was growing impatient when the toddler started wandering around and found the arm.  To my surprise, he actually didn’t react at all.  He just picked it up and carried it back to his parents like it was a toy.  It took a moment for them to register what it was, but the reaction was something I will never forget.  She started screaming and pulled it out of his hands before picking him up.  I swear I thought she was going to throw up.  The dad didn’t seem to know what exactly to do.  He just pulled his hands up to his face and kind of tried to move four different ways at once before grabbing his wife and dragging her and the child away from the site.  I was able to quickly slip out without anyone seeing me and was back at my apartment by the time the call came in.  I’m guessing they got lost on the way out, because it took much longer than I expected for the call to come in.  I was actually worried for a second that the first responder might arrive before I got back to my car.  Detective Wilcome isn’t looking so hot.  I swear he’s lost a little weight.  I think part of him knows that he is in part responsible for this.  It will only get worse for him.  Even if he didn’t have a personal relationship with the vessel, I’m sure it will devastate him.  Before this is all over, he will understand his role in Justin’s death.  It’s going to make it so much worse because of how close they were.  Oh, this is fantastic!
    2/16/09- I don’t have much to say today.  My appointment with Dr. Gamboa was interesting.  He actually brought up the case.  It was a little awkward.  I know I’ve considered talking with him about it, but I wasn’t at all ready for it.  It was very hard to act freaked out instead of the amusement that was coursing through me.  There was also another news release about the case.  Detective Wilcome looked like crap.  I heard he had suggested the chief do the interview, but he refused.  He doesn’t want his face associated with this.  What a coward.  He really deserves this.  I would take him as a vessel if I could.  I think he would be counterproductive, though.  It would probably set Justin back a good deal, not to mention it would only increase the motivation from the department to catch me.  I’m sure the feds would be here even before I managed to complete the second part of the process.  It would be so nice, though.  I would love to see the look on his

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