Phoenix in My Fortune (A Monster Haven Story Book 6)

Free Phoenix in My Fortune (A Monster Haven Story Book 6) by R.L. Naquin

Book: Phoenix in My Fortune (A Monster Haven Story Book 6) by R.L. Naquin Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.L. Naquin
tea, too.
    I cleared my throat. “So.” I took a sip, not breaking eye contact. No use beating around the bush. “What’s wrong.” It was more a command than a question. He’d have cornered me the same way if the situation had been reversed.
    Andrew sighed. “Wow. That took, what, three minutes since you walked through the door?”
    I shrugged. “I’m getting better at this. And you’re terrible at covering up your thoughts. What’s going on?”
    “You sure you didn’t cheat and take a peek?” He smiled to let me know he was teasing. “I don’t peek at your aura, you know.”
    “I would hope not. I
a lady.”
    Milo stepped from my lap to Riley’s, turned in a circle to wrap himself in his fluffy tail, then collapsed in a furry heap.
    “Guess I’m not going anywhere.” Riley rested one hand on the snoozing animal, a look of contentment on both their faces.
    Andrew cradled his cup in his hands, and I wondered how he didn’t burn himself on the hot ceramic.
    “We’re drowning,” he said. “Business has thoroughly sucked lately. Daniel’s been working extra hours at the retirement home, but he can’t support us on a nursing aide’s salary. Nor should he.”
    I’d never seen the shop busy, exactly, but usually somebody would have come in by now.
    Riley’s voice was low to keep from disturbing Milo. “Can we do a marketing blitz or something to get more customers in here?”
    “What do you think the problem is?” I asked. “Your teas are fantastic. I’d probably be in a hospital by now if you hadn’t cured my empath headaches. You used to have customers. Where’d they all go?”
    Andrew’s eyes were sad. “I don’t know. There are tea shops all over town now. And you can buy bulk herbs at the natural food stores. When I started this place, I was the only game in town. Now...” He shrugged. “I’m inconveniently located and an extra stop.”
    Riley set his cup on the table. “I hate to see this place go, but I’m yours when you need a hand moving. Just say the word.”
    I wanted to cry. I wanted to throw something. I wanted to tell Andrew to “buck up” and “hang in there,” even though I knew those were useless phrases. “What are you going to do?”
    More than anything, I wanted to cover my ears before he could answer.
    “I think I’ve got no choice. I have to close the shop.” He took a gulp of tea that surely must have scalded all the way down.
    It felt like he’d shot a cannonball into my stomach. Why was everything changing? Moira was selling the bakery and moving to Florida. Sara and I were closing the business. Now Andrew’s herb shop was folding.
    To be fair, I didn’t think he’d ever made a lot of money at it. He drove a station wagon that had seen better days decades ago. He lived in a two-bedroom houseboat that was in constant need of repairs.
    I suspected what little money he did have went to the retirement home where his grandparents lived—the same one where he’d met his boyfriend, Daniel.
    “Besides,” he said, “Daniel’s thinking about going back to school to finish his nursing degree. I need to get a real job and help him make that happen. It’s my turn, you know?”
    Even with my filters slammed shut, Andrew’s sadness and regret pooled around him in sticky gray clouds.
    He saw me looking at the spaces around him and smirked. “I knew you couldn’t resist peeking.”
    I opened my mouth to object, but I was interrupted by the jingle of the door. Andrew rose from his chair and hurried toward the front to greet his rare customer. He returned a moment later, escorting a woman I recognized.
    Madame Emilia the fortune teller spread her arms, the diaphanous material of her dress and cloak moving with her and making her seem larger than she was. Fake jewels, moons, stars and golden eyes covered the purple velvets and deep-blue silks.
    “Miss Donovan, I must speak with you. The spirits have an urgent message.”

Chapter Six
    Madame Emilia’s

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