The Revenge of Excalibur

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Book: The Revenge of Excalibur by Sahara Foley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sahara Foley
    Pam's brows creased in confusion. “How do you know the entity trapped in Excalibur is a Shalit, and not one of The Others?”
    “One of the psychic abilities the Shalits possess is precognition. They foresaw what we must do. We were instructed to retrieve two of the silver containers, one with a male Shalit, the other with a female. The female's container was transformed into a ring, while the other one was turned into the sword, Excalibur. We then went to my daughter, Teema, and told her the prophecy as foretold by the Shalits.
    “She was to wear the ring, which would be passed down from mother to daughter, until now, it would seem. We also instructed Teema to travel to a distant planet called Earth, where she would live until the end of her days, waiting for a Human named Arthur to release the Shalit from his prison. Your planet was very primitive at that time, with only large mammals roaming around. We knew it would be many of your Earth years before your race emerged, so she passed her quest on from mother to daughter.
    “After waiting for several generations, we thought our search had ended. A Human named Arthur was discovered, a man with kingly powers, but not psychic ones. We were weary of waiting, so gave him Excalibur, hoping he would end our quest. Alas, he was not the chosen one. So, our wait continued.”
    Pam started laughing. “Are you telling me the whole legend of King Arthur, Lady of the Lake, and the mighty sword Excalibur, was a mistake?”
    Emeara nodded her head.
    “My mum would have a fit if she knew that.” Pam wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes. “So, my father was the Arthur in your prophecy.”
    Emeara nodded again.
    “For years, I've wanted to meet my dad. I just never had the courage to track him down.” Pam twirled her newly acquired ring. “What makes you think I can help you?”
    “Because you are his daughter, and, it appears, you are part of the prophecy the Shalits had not foreseen.”
    “I'm not saying I'll release the Shalit, but I'm willing to go look at the sword. To be honest, I've wanted to see it ever since my mum told me about Excalibur.” Pam downed the rest of her iced tea, setting the glass back in the cup holder. “Okay, I'm ready. How far do we have to travel?”
    Emeara blinked at her. “We are already here. We have been on Planet Lear since we brought you on board.”
    “What?!” Pam exclaimed, jumping to her feet. “Are you telling me I've been in space this whole time?”
    “Yes, Pamela. Excalibur is located in a cave. I can teleport you next to the opening, but I am unable to transfer you into the cave due to the large amounts of Husken Silver.”
    Pam backed up a step, hands held out in front of her. “Wait a minute. Isn't Husken Silver dangerous?”
    “Yes, but only to our people. Arthur had no trouble being on Lear. Neither did Daisy, for that matter. She grew up with the radiation from your sun, which is very similar to the radiation from Husken Silver.”
    Pam took a deep breath.
Can I do this? I'm definitely out of my comfort zone
It's so much easier hiding away in my bedroom, which I've been doing for the last five years.
She paced around the chair.
Haven't I been complaining about being lonely and bored?
She twirled the ring around her finger.
Mum said my future belonged out here. Is she right? More than that, who else would save my father?
Pam sighed. She had no choice. She had to do this, if not for herself, at least for her mother.
    Standing tall, she nodded. “Okay, let's do it.”
    Then, she vanished.

Chapter Eight
    Pam reappeared, standing along the bank of a wide river, the bluish-green water running by her with a strong current, and a rushing sound. On the opposite bank, she saw a line of trees, so far away they were indistinct, from one another. She stared down at her feet, feeling a faint trembling through her tennis shoes. She also heard a muted drumming from afar.
    Turning to her left, she saw a beautiful

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